
From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
Revision as of 23:02, 5 September 2007 by Dooglus (Talk | contribs) (Scale)

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Right-clicking on a value in the Parameters dialog brings up a context menu which has a sub-menu called "Convert". The "Convert" menu allows you to specify that the parameter should be controlled automatically in various ways. Depending on the type of the parameter the Convert menu will contain different options.

To convert the value back to its original type, select "Disconnect" from its context menu.

  • BLinePoint values can be converted to ...
  • Bool values can only be converted to the Reference type.
  • Canvas values can be converted to the Reference type.
  • String values can be converted to the Reference type.


Converting a parameter to "BLine" doesn't seem to change anything. Perhaps that's the default type for lists of verticies, such as are found in outlines and regions?


Converting a parameter to "Composite" adds four real-valued sub-parameters called "Red", "Green", "Blue", and "Alpha".

Dynamic List

Converting a parameter to "Dynamic List" seems to replace each of the "Vertex NNN" sub-parameters with "Item NNN" parameters which can't be expanded, but can be exported.

Gradient Rotate



Converting a real parameter to be 'Linear' adds two real-valued sub-parameters "Rate" and "Offset" for controlling the parameter's value.

The parameter's value will change linearly over time, start with the value specified by "Offset" at time zero, and increasing by the value specified by "Rate" every second.

However, converting a vector parameter to be 'Linear' adds two vector sub-parameters called "Slope" and "Offset". These work just like "Rate" and "Offset" above, but in two dimensions instead of one. (So it looks like each of these subsections can behave differently depending on the type of the value being converted - so I'll probably have to re-arrange this page...)

Radial Composite

Converting a color to "Radial Composite" adds four sub-parameters called "Luma", "Saturation", "Hue", and "Alpha". "Hue" is an angle value and the other three are real values.

Converting a vector to "Radial Composite" adds two sub-parameters: a real called "Radius" and an angle called "Theta". Specifying an angle and a distance from the origin gives us a point, which is used as the value for the vector.


Converting a parameter to "Reference" adds a single real-valued sub-parameter called "Link".


Converting a parameter to "Scale" adds two real-valued sub-parameters called "Link" and "Scalar". The result is that of multiplying the value of "Link" by the value of "Scalar".

Seg Calc Tangent

Converting a parameter to "Seg Calc Tangent" adds two sub-parameters called "Segment" and "Amount". "Segment" is a composite type containing two vertices and two tangents. "Amount" is a real value.

Seg Calc Vertex

Converting a parameter to "Seg Calc Vertex" adds two sub-parameters called "Segment" and "Amount". "Segment" is a composite type containing two vertices and two tangents. "Amount" is a real value.


Converting a parameter to "Sine" adds two sub-parameters: a angle value called "Angle" and a real-valued value called "Amplitude".




Converting a parameter to "Subtract" adds three real-valued sub-parameters called "LHS", "RHS", and "Scalar".

Timed Swap

This conversion is currently disabled.


Converting a parameter to "Two-Tone" adds two color-valued sub-parameters called "Color1" and "Color2".

The two parameters define two colors which are used to create the gradient. These color parameters can be animated, giving us the ability to have the gradient change color over time. This can be used as a workaround for this bug.

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English • română