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For each layer, this lists the source file where the layer is defined, the class implementing the layer, the name of the layer as it appears in .sif files, then name as it appears on-screen and the classes the layer inherits from:
For each layer, this lists the source file where the layer is defined, the class implementing the layer, the name of the layer as it appears in .sif files, then name as it appears on-screen and the classes the layer inherits from:

Revision as of 13:52, 21 April 2008

For each layer, this lists the source file where the layer is defined, the class implementing the layer, the name of the layer as it appears in .sif files, then name as it appears on-screen and the classes the layer inherits from:

SOURCE FILE                              SOURCE CLASS        NAME             LOCAL_NAME       CATEGORY    PARENT CLASS(ES)
                                                             <layer type=...> shown in menu    which menu  
modules/mod_filter/blur.cpp              Blur_Layer          blur             Blur             Blurs       Layer_Composite
synfig/layer_motionblur.cpp              Layer_MotionBlur    motion_blur      Motion Blur      Blurs       Layer_Composite
modules/mod_filter/radialblur.cpp        RadialBlur          radial_blur      Radial Blur      Blurs       Layer_Composite
modules/lyr_std/insideout.cpp            InsideOut           inside_out       Inside Out       Distortions Layer
modules/lyr_std/sphere_distort.cpp       Layer_SphereDistort spherize         Spherize         Distortions Layer_Composite
modules/lyr_std/stretch.cpp              Layer_Stretch       stretch          Stretch          Distortions Layer
modules/lyr_std/twirl.cpp                Twirl               twirl            Twirl            Distortions Layer_Composite
modules/lyr_std/warp.cpp                 Warp                warp             Warp             Distortions Layer
modules/mod_noise/distort.cpp            NoiseDistort        noise_distort    Noise Distort    Distortions Layer_Composite
modules/lyr_std/clamp.cpp                Layer_Clamp         clamp            Clamp            Filters     Layer
modules/mod_filter/colorcorrect.cpp      Layer_ColorCorrect  colorcorrect     Color Correct    Filters     Layer
modules/mod_filter/halftone2.cpp         Halftone2           halftone2        Halftone 2       Filters     Layer_Composite
modules/mod_filter/halftone3.cpp         Halftone3           halftone3        Halftone 3       Filters     Layer_Composite
modules/mod_filter/lumakey.cpp           LumaKey             lumakey          Luma Key         Filters     Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/lyr_std/julia.cpp                Julia               julia            Julia Set        Fractals    Layer
modules/lyr_std/mandelbrot.cpp           Mandelbrot          mandelbrot       Mandelbrot Set   Fractals    Layer
modules/mod_geometry/checkerboard.cpp    CheckerBoard        checker_board    Checkerboard     Geometry    Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_geometry/circle.cpp          Circle              circle           Circle           Geometry    Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_geometry/outline.cpp         Outline             outline          Outline          Geometry    Layer_Polygon
modules/mod_geometry/rectangle.cpp       Rectangle           rectangle        Rectangle        Geometry    Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_geometry/region.cpp          Region              region           Region           Geometry    protected Layer_Polygon
modules/mod_geometry/star.cpp            Star                star             Star             Geometry    protected Layer_Polygon
synfig/layer_polygon.cpp                 Layer_Polygon       polygon          Polygon          Geometry    Layer_Shape
synfig/layer_solidcolor.cpp              Layer_SolidColor    solid_color      Solid Color      Geometry    Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_gradient/conicalgradient.cpp ConicalGradient     conical_gradient Conical Gradient Gradients   Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_gradient/curvegradient.cpp   CurveGradient       curve_gradient   Curve Gradient   Gradients   Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_gradient/lineargradient.cpp  LinearGradient      linear_gradient  Linear Gradient  Gradients   Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_gradient/radialgradient.cpp  RadialGradient      radial_gradient  Radial Gradient  Gradients   Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_gradient/spiralgradient.cpp  SpiralGradient      spiral_gradient  Spiral Gradient  Gradients   Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/mod_noise/noise.cpp              Noise               noise            Noise Gradient   Gradients   Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/lyr_std/import.cpp               Import              import           Import           Other       Layer_Bitmap
modules/lyr_std/supersample.cpp          SuperSample         super_sample     Super Sample     Other       Layer
modules/lyr_std/timeloop.cpp             Layer_TimeLoop      timeloop         Time Loop        Other       Layer
modules/lyr_std/xorpattern.cpp           XORPattern          xor_pattern      XOR Pattern      Other       Layer
modules/mod_particle/plant.cpp           Plant               plant            Plant            Other       Layer_Composite
synfig/layer_pastecanvas.cpp             Layer_PasteCanvas   paste_canvas     Paste Canvas     Other       Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/lyr_std/bevel.cpp                Layer_Bevel         bevel            Bevel            Stylize     Layer_Composite
modules/lyr_std/shade.cpp                Layer_Shade         shade            Shade            Stylize     Layer_Composite
modules/lyr_std/rotate.cpp               Rotate              rotate           Rotate           Transform   Layer
modules/lyr_std/translate.cpp            Translate           translate        Translate        Transform   Layer
modules/lyr_std/zoom.cpp                 Zoom                zoom             Zoom             Transform   Layer
modules/lyr_freetype/lyr_freetype.cpp    Layer_Freetype      text             Simple Text      Typography  Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/lyr_std/booleancurve.cpp         BooleanCurve        ?                ?                ?           Layer_Shape
synfig/layer_bitmap.cpp                  Layer_Bitmap        ?                ?                ?           Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
synfig/layer_composite.cpp               Layer_Composite     ?                ?                ?           Layer
synfig/layer_mime.cpp                    Layer_Mime          ?                ?                ?           Layer
synfig/layer_shape.cpp                   Layer_Shape         shape            Shape            Internal    Layer_Composite, Layer_NoDeform
modules/example/filledrect.cpp           FilledRect          filled_rectangle Filled Rectangle Geometry    Layer_Composite
modules/example/metaballs.cpp            Metaballs           metaballs        Metaballs        Default     Layer_Composite
modules/example/simplecircle.cpp         SimpleCircle        simple_circle    Simple Circle    Do Not Use  Layer_Composite