Dev:Sprints/2013-02-19 Screenshots Update
From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
Revision as of 12:30, 21 February 2015 by D.j.a.y (Talk | contribs) (Remove GImpToSynfig (done by hellocatfood))
Added the note on all no-updated page Somes of the screenshots needs to be updated with 0.64.0
- Doc:Building a magnifying glass
- Doc:Realistic Fire Animation
- Doc:Realistic Rain Animation
- Doc:Write On
- Convert <<<SCREENSHOT DONE>>> but does this page need to be rewrited ? (Compatibility section)
- Parabolic Shot
- Sewing BLines
- Walk Cycle <oho>
- Warp Layer <oho>
- Sets Panel
- Doc:Shiny_Effects
- History_Panel