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Revision as of 16:27, 24 July 2013 by Jcome (Talk | contribs) (New terminology, BLinePoint -> SplinePoint; encapsulate -> group)

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ValueNode Types

Each ValueNode (and hence each Parameter) in Synfig has one of 13 types:

  • Bool -- a boolean value; true or false. Represented in Studio as a checkbox
  • Integer -- an integer value; a whole number. -3 or 0 or 2 are examples.
  • Real -- a [ real number}}. -3.0, 0.0, 2.0 and 3.1415 are examples.
  • Angle -- a real number that is interpreted as an angle
  • Time -- a time, displayed in days, hours, minutes, seconds and frames
  • Vector -- a 2d vector. usually represented as two Reals representing X and Y values
  • Color -- a color. Usually represented as Red/Green/Blue/Alpha values
  • Segment -- a single bezier curve segment. Defined by 4 Vectors, representing 2 Vertices and 2 Tangents
  • SplinePoint -- a point in a Spline. Defined by 6 parameters (a Vector defining its location, a Real defining its width, another Real defining its origin, a Bool defining whether its tangents are split or not, and two Vectors defining the direction of its tangents (only the first of which is used if the tangents aren't split)
  • List -- A list. For example, an outline's Vertices parameter is simply a list of SplinePoint valuenodes.
  • Canvas -- A collection of layers. When you group layers, you're creating a new Paste Canvas layer called, by default "Group". The group layer has a parameter called 'Canvas' with type 'Canvas' and its value is the group of layers you've grouped.
  • String -- a string of characters, for example "Hello Mum!"
  • Gradient -- a range of colors (a mapping from a real parameter to a color). Can be defined in many ways, but is usually editing using the gradient editor.
  • Matrix -- TODO