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ValueNode Types

Each ValueNode (and hence each Parameter) in Synfig has one of 13 types:

Type Description
01 Type bool icon.png Bool a boolean value; true or false. Represented in Studio as a checkbox.
02 Type integer icon.png Integer an integer value; a whole number. -3 or 0 or 2 are examples.
03 Type real icon.png Real a [ real number}}. -3.0, 0.0, 2.0 and 3.1415 are examples.
04 Type angle icon.png Angle a real number that is interpreted as an angle.
05 Type time icon.png Time a time, displayed in days, hours, minutes, seconds and frames.
06 Type vector icon.png Vector a 2d vector. usually represented as two Reals representing X and Y values.
07 Type color icon.png Color a color. Usually represented as Red/Green/Blue/Alpha values.
08 Type segment icon.png Segment a single bezier curve segment. Defined by 4 Vectors, representing 2 Vertices and 2 Tangents.
09 Type blinepoint icon.png SplinePoint a point in a Spline. Defined by 6 parameters (a Vector defining its location, a Real defining its width, another Real defining its origin, a Bool defining whether its tangents are split or not, and two Vectors defining the direction of its tangents (only the first of which is used if the tangents aren't split).
10 Type list icon.png List A list. For example, an outline's Vertices parameter is simply a list of SplinePoint valuenodes.
11 Type canvas icon 0.63.06.png Canvas A collection of layers. When you group layers, you're creating a new Group Layer called, by default "Group". The group layer has a parameter called 'Canvas' with type 'Canvas' and its value is the group of layers you've grouped.
12 Type string icon.png String a string of characters, for example "Hello Mum!"
13 Type gradient icon.png Gradient a range of colors (a mapping from a real parameter to a color). Can be defined in many ways, but is usually editing using the gradient editor.