Doc:Following a Spline/es

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Revision as of 11:00, 23 April 2010 by Rafael (Talk | contribs) (Tutorial)

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This page contains outdated information.

The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text.

You can help updating this page - see instructions here. Thank you!

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Esta página debería estar escrita en Español. Por favor ayúdanos a traducirla!


Si estás usando la versión 0.61.08 o anterior, por favor, dirígete al tutorial "siguiendo una Bline (método antiguo)", since this version is about the in-development version, which you can build from source.

This is only a rough draft. The content should be OK, but it needs tidying up and could really benefit from some screen shots. If you follow the tutorial, please consider taking some shots as you do so and uploading them here...

Este tutorial muestra cómo hacer que un objeto siga el camino de una línea arbitraria, rotando para seguir encarando la dirección del camino.


Esto es lo que vamos a hacer:


Este es un breve tutorial que nos da un ejemplo de cómo hacerlo:

Crea la Animación

File > New

Crea las Capas

seleciona la herramienta BLine

permite sólo la casilla Contorno

dibuja una línea (una Bline) sobre la que quieras que se mueva la flecha.

click en el icono "Herramienta línea Bézier" en la parte inferior izquierda de la "Paleta de Herramientas" para crear la Bline.

Todavía en esta herramienta,habilita "crear contorno" y "crear región" en la paleta de opciones

dibuja una flecha o lo que quieras, apuntando a la derecha

cambia a la herramienta "Normal"

selecciona el contorno, pulsa control-a para seleccionar todos los patos menos el pato verde de posición

arrastra los patos de modo que la flecha quede centrada en el pato verde de posición

añade una capa de rotación sobre las capas contorno y región

encapsula las capas rotación, contorno y región

Ahora tienes 2 capas: una que es un trayecto curvo y la capa encapsulada (Lienzo en línea) conteniendo la flecha y la capa de rotación

Moviendo y Rotando la flecha

select the encapsulation layer by clicking it in the Layers panel

select its green position duck by clicking on it in the canvas window

additionally select the Rotate layer by holding Control and clicking it in the Layers panel

additionally select the blue "rotation amount" duck by holding Control and clicking on it in the canvas window

so now we should have 2 layers selected, and one duck from each of those 2 layers selected

now additionally select the curved bline layer (it should be the last layer in the Layer panel's list) by holding Control and clicking on it

right-click on the dotted line that indicates the position of the curved bline - not on any duck, but on the dotted link between ducks

from the context menu that pops up, select "Link to BLine"

the encapsulated arrow should move so that its green position duck is on the bline, and it should rotate so that the arrow points along the bline at that point

select just the encapsulation layer, and drag its green duck around. you'll see that the duck is constrained now to lie on the bline, and that dragging it also affects the rotation of the arrow as expected

we can now animate the arrow. turn on "animate edit mode" by clicking the icon in the bottom right of the canvas window.

at time 0f, drag the encapsulation layer's green position duck to one end of the bline

at time 5s, drag the same position duck to the other end of the bline

Try File > Preview or View > Play to watch the animation.


This is the animation I ended up with: Arrow-follows-bline.sifz‎

Commentary on the Feature

Also, the arrow takes the same time to move along each segment of the bline. So if there's a long straight part then a bendy complex part, the arrow will move much faster along the straight parts (since there will be less vertices in that part).

It would be good to have the option of having the arrow move at constant speed along the length of the curve.

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