Edit Menu

From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
Revision as of 07:49, 23 November 2007 by Zelgadis (Talk | contribs) (Keybindings)

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The Edit menu has the following options:

  • Undo previous action - undo the last thing you did (CTRL+Z)
  • Redo previous action - undo the last thing you undid (СTRL+R)
  • Cut - Cuts (copy and delete) the selection (CTRL+X)
  • Copy - Copy the selection (CTRL+C)
  • Paste - Paste the selection (CTRL+V)

All of these actions are global, so they work on the canvas, but also in the layers palette, params palette etc...

  • Select all ducks (CTRL+A) - selects all of the ducks on the selected layer(s)
  • Unselect all layers (CTRL+D) - deselects all of the ducks on the selected layer(s)
  • Properties - this is where you change the resolution, length, etc of the project once you have started it. It is exactly the same as the Properties window when a new project is started.

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