Group Layer/es

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Layer other pastecanvas icon.png


La Capa de Grupo (Group Layer) es una capa especial que puede contener otras capas.

  • Se crea mediante el comando Agrupar Capas del Panel de Capas:
  • Mediante el menú Capa (Layer) en la Barra de Herramientas o el mismo menu en el Recuadro de Menu (Canvas Menu Caret) en la ventana de dibujo, a través del submenú Capa Nueva (New Layer), usando:
 "<Capa Nueva (New Layer)> → <Otro> → Grupo (Group)"
  • Se crea a través del comando Grupo (Grup) en el menú contextual del Panel de Capas, a través del submenú Capa Nueva (New Layer), usando:
 "<Capa Nueva (New Layer)> → <Otro> → Grupo (Group)"

Tambien sirve para agregar a todas estas capas agrupadas, nuevas propiedades o animaciones como: traslacion, escalado, rotacion e incluso modificar el tiempo de las capas que contiene.

Tiene los siguientes parametros:

La columna de Profundidad Z indica si una capa esta adelante o atras de otra capa. Un valor 0 indica que esta adelante de todas las capas. Un valor de 3 indica que esta atras de las capas 0, 1, 2 pero está adelante de las capas 4, 5, etc. No siempre aparece, por ejemplo, si el tiempo del lienzo es "0", esta columna desaparecerá.

Canvas Parameter

Type canvas icon.png

The canvas parameter presents a drop-down menu of the exported canvases, plus an extra entry called "Other...". Selecting "Other..." presents the user with a text entry box asking for the name of the canvas to use. The name typed should have the following format (where [ ] indicates an optional part, ( ) is for grouping, and * means "0 or more times"):


In its simplest form, this is just an id, ie. the exported name of one of the child canvases of the current canvas.

Other possibilities are:

  • if a '#' is present, the part before the '#' is interpreted as the filename of an external .sif file to use.
  • if the '#' is the first character of the string (ie. the filename is blank) then the '#' is ignored, and the current canvas is used instead
  • if a ':' appears before the first id, it means to start at the root canvas of the current canvas
  • each subsequent :id steps down into the specified child


  • /usr/share/doc/synfig/examples/business_card.sifz#:IndividualCard -- gives the absolute path to a .sifz file, and says to use the canvas that was exported from its root canvas as "IndividualCard"
  • ../../examples/business_card.sifz#:IndividualCard -- the same, but with a relative path to the .sifz file
  • #:sy:head:eyes:left -- look in the current composition, and starting from the root, navigate down through the canvas tree. Find a child canvas of the root canvas called 'sy', look in 'sy' for a child canvas called 'head', and so on.
  • :sy:head:eyes:left -- exactly as above. an empty filename is the same as not using the '#' at all
  • eyes:left -- without a ':' before the first id, this starts at the current canvas (presumably the PasteCanvas in question is in the "head" subcanvas of the "sy" subcanvas of the root)

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