Outline Layer

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Revision as of 15:40, 12 September 2007 by Dooglus (Talk | contribs) (Homogeneous)

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About Outline Layers

Outline Layers are use to hold strokes or edges of filled shapes. They give a cartoon look to some animations when added to be the edge of the filled shapes. Also standalone Outlines (strokes) are used to define fold of 3D drawings and used together with shadows (created using gradients or feathering) is the basis of an artist's work.

Parameters of Outline Layers

The parameters of the Outline Layers are:

(insert image here)
  • ZDepth
  • Amount
  • Blend Method
  • Color
  • Position
  • Invert
  • Antialiasing
  • Feather
  • Type of Feather
  • Winding style
  • Vertices
  • Outline width
  • Expand
  • Sharp cups
  • Rounded Begin
  • Rounded End
  • Loopyness
  • Homogeneous

Specific parameters for Outline Layers

The first 11 parameters of the Outline are common parameter that are shared for several types of Layers. Click on the links to see their definitions. Only the particular parameters for the Outline Layer are described here.

This is a sample screen shot of an Outline Layer in action:

Outline Sample.png

Outline width

The Outline width parameter is a float value in pixels that represents the basic value of the width for all the points of the curve at the same time. It works together with the width parameter of the vertices' child values. So setting the Outline Width to 1.0px then the resulting value for the rendered width in that vertex comes from this formula: W = OLW * VW.


  • W = resulting width of the outline at that vertex.
  • OLW = overall parameter for the width of all the vertices (that is the Outline Width parameter).
  • VW = specific vertex width value.

The width duck would show the radius value for that vertex (W/2).

The width that ends up being used for each vertex is ((VertexWidth * OutLineWidth) + Expand):

Outline-default.png Outline-outline-width.png
starting image after doubling the value of 'outline width'


The Expand parameter is similar to the Outline Width parameter, but rather than being multiplied by each vertex's width, it is added to the width.

The width that ends up being used for each vertex is ((VertexWidth * OutLineWidth) + Expand):

Outline-default.png Outline-expand.png
zero 'expand' non-zero 'expand'

Sharp cups

Enabling 'sharp cusps' makes the corners pointy when the tangents are split:

Outline-default.png Outline-sharp-cusps.png
no sharp cusps sharp cusps

Rounded Begin

Enabling 'rounded begin' makes the start of the outline rounded:

Outline-default.png Outline-rounded-begin.png
no rounded begin rounded begin

Rounded End

Enabling 'rounded end' makes the end of the outline rounded:

Outline-default.png Outline-rounded-end.png
no rounded end rounded end


This parameter currently does absolutely nothing at all!


Enabling 'Homogeneous' changes the way that the width of the outline changes from one blinepoint to the next. Each point in the bline has its own width, and the bline has its own 'Outline Width' and 'Expand' parameters which are used to give the final width at each blinepoint. The 'Homogeneous' parameter controls how the width is interpolated between two neighbouring blinepoints:

  • When 'Homogeneous' isn't checked, the width is interpolated linearly with the spline's 't' parameter.
  • When 'Homogeneous' is checked, the width is interpolated linearly with the spline's length.

It's hard to see the difference here, but the pictures are slightly different - notice that in the left image the top right end of the bline is slightly flared:

Outline-default.png Outline-homogeneous.png
no homogeneous homogeneous

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