Reusing Exported Value Nodes

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Exporting and converting a ValueNode are among the most interesting features of Synfig. A combination of them allows the user to organize complex animations modifying just a few parameters. See the tutorial Following a Spline for an example.

Sometimes you would like to do the same combination of exported values and convert types. And it is so tedious to repeat each time.

There is a way to avoid this and reuse the exported and converted values.

Imagine that you have a situation where you have a cool conversion combination and want to use it into another already done animation. You can do the following:

  1. In the animation file that has the cool conversion do:
    1. Export all the values that you want to control. For example if parameter a is a=b+c then you should export three parameters: a, b and c. The exported parameter a will be an Add parameter and will be calculated based on the b and c exported parameters.
    2. Delete all the layers (you don't need them at all, because you only need the cool conversion combination). Save the file with other name ("master.sifz"). This will be the main file.
  2. Go to Canvas Menu Caret "<File> → <Import>" and select the file that have the current done animation where on you want to use the cool exported valuenodes combination.
  3. Then select the imported Group Layer and go to its Canvas parameter and Export it. Set a meaningful name. Save the "master" file and close it.
  4. Open the "master" file again and you'll see that the imported animation file (already an exported canvas) has an expand triangle that allows to select the layers that are inside of it.
  5. Select the parameter of the layer of the imported canvas that you want and link the parameter to any of the "master" canvas exported values that are accessible to the Library Panel parameters, using the right click mouse button.

That's all folks! ;-)

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