Smooth Move Tool
From Synfig Studio :: Documentation

The Smooth Move Tool works much like the Transform Tool except when multiple handles are selected. To see this, select multiple handles, by either:
- pressing ControlA to select all handles
- dragging a rectangle around a group of handles
- holding the Control key while clicking handles to toggle their selected status
Then drag one of the selected handles and all the nearby handles will move with it. What counts as a 'nearby handle'? That depends on the value of the "radius" in the tool's options.
If all selected handles are moving when you drag one handle, try reducing the "radius" setting. Usually, a value between 1 and 3 works well.
When dragging a handle, the nearby handles will move by differing amounts, depending on how close they are to the handle you're dragging. This gives a localized 'scale' effect.
- Radius (real number)