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(Created page with '<!-- Page info --> {{Title|视频教程}} {{Category|Tutorials}} <!-- Page info end --> 在这个章节,您会看到一些基础的视频教程,向您介绍一些 Synfig 常…')
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Latest revision as of 04:43, 22 June 2011

Languages Language: 

English • čeština • español • 中文(中国大陆)‎


This page contains outdated information.

The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text.

You can help updating this page - see instructions here. Thank you!

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在这个章节,您会看到一些基础的视频教程,向您介绍一些 Synfig 常见的工作。


Synfig basic animation tutorial: This video tutorial shows how to do a (very) basic animation. The tutorial roughly follows the animation basics tutorial.

创建 Bline

Creating a BLine: This small video tutorial shows the basic steps to build a BLine. Video editing was done using Synfig itself.

创建圆形、矩形和 BLine

Creating Circles, Rectangles, and a Bline: Short tutorial about creating Circles, Rectangles, and a Bline.


This video tutorial shows how to do an animation of a growing flower. The tutorial roughly follows the written flower animation tutorial.





BLine 追随

Following a Bline: This video tutorial show how to link a shape to a Bline. It doesn't follow strictly the tutorial but would help you to follow it.

Pseudo IPO-drivers in Synfig

Zelgadis gave us this method to control playback using a variable.

Animating a caped character

A 3-part tutorial on making an animated caped character in synfig.




如何用 Synfig Studio 制作动画


本教程是 闪亮效果 教程的视频版

Languages Language: 

English • čeština • español • 中文(中国大陆)‎