Panneau Options des outils
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Le panneau d'Options des outils présente les options disponible que vous pouvez appliquer a l'outil en cours d'utilisation. L'icône du panneau est celle de l'outil actif.
Les valeurs du panneau d'Options des outils sont enregistrées lors d'un changement d'outils mais également entre les sessions de SynfigStudio, ainsi, vous pouvez les réutiliser autant de fois que vous le désirez.
Voici une liste des options disponible pour chaque outils:
Normal Tool
- None
Outil Déplacement lissé
- Radius (real number)
Scale Tool
- Lock Aspect Ratio (boolean)
Rotate Tool
- Allow Scale (boolean)
Mirror Tool
- Horizontal (boolean exclusive)
- Vertical (boolean exclusive)
Outil Cercle
- New Layer's name (text)
- Feather (real)
- Type of feather (drop down list)
- Invert (boolean)
- Create Circle Layer (boolean)
- Create Outline BLine (boolean)
- Create Region BLine (boolean)
- Create Plant BLine (boolean)
- Create Curve Gradient BLine (boolean)
- Link BLine Origins (boolean)
- BLine points (integer)
- Point Angle Offset (angle)
- Outil Rectangle
- New Layer's name (text)
- Feather (real)
- Expansion (real)
- Invert (boolean)
- Create Rectangle Layer (boolean)
- Create Outline BLine (boolean)
- Create Region BLine (boolean)
- Create Plant BLine (boolean)
- Create Curve Gradient BLine (boolean)
- Link BLine Origins (boolean)
Star Tool
- New Layer's name (text)
- Feather (real)
- Invert (boolean)
- Regular Polygon (boolean)
- Create Star Layer (boolean)
- Create Outline BLine (boolean)
- Create Region BLine (boolean)
- Create Plant BLine (boolean)
- Create Curve Gradient BLine (boolean)
- Link BLine Origins (boolean)
- Number of points (integer)
- Inner Tangent (real)
- Outer Tangent (real)
- Inner Width (real)
- Outer Width (real)
- Radius Ratio (real)
- Angle Offset (real)
Outil Dégradé
- New Layer's name (text)
- Gradient Type (drop down list)
Polygon Tool
- New Layer's name (text)
- Create Polygon (action button)
- Clear Polygon (action button)
BLine Tool/fr
- New Layer's name (text)
- Create Outline BLine (boolean)
- Create Region BLine (boolean)
- Create Plant BLine (boolean)
- Create Curve Gradient BLine (boolean)
- Link BLine Origins (boolean)
- Auto Export (boolean)
- Feather (real)
Text Tool
- New Layer's name (text)
- Multiline Editor (boolean)
- Size (2D vector)
- Orientation (2D vector)
- Family (text)
Fill Tool
- None
Outil Pipette
- None
Zoom Tool
- None
Outil Calligraphie
- New Layer's name (text)
- Create Outline BLine (boolean)
- Create Region BLine (boolean)
- Auto Loop (boolean)
- Auto Link (boolean)
- Auto Extend (boolean)
- Auto Export (boolean)
- Pressure Width (boolean)
- Local Error (boolean)
- Min Pressure (boolean) & (real)
- Smooth (real)
- Feather (real)
- Fill Last Stroke (action button)
Sketch Tool
- Show Sketch (boolean)
- Undo Last Stroke (action button)
- Clear Sketch (action button)
- Save Sketch As... (action button)
- Open a Sketch (action button)
Outil Épaisseur
- Growth (real)
- Radius (real)
- Relative Growth (boolean)