Width Tool/ro
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Instrumentul pentru latimea liniei - Width a fost destinat pentru cresterea sau descresterea latimii liniei, ca la desenarea cu un creion pe hartie.
Pentru a modifica latimea unui anumit segment al liniei, selectati stratul de conturul respectiv, mutati mouse-ul deasupra liniei, apasati pe butonul dreapta mouse si mutati cursorul ianinte si inapoi de-a lungul liniei, ca si cum ati ingrosa linia cu ajutorul unui creion. Latimea conturului va creste in locurile in care miscati cursorul. Pentru a descreste latimea, apasati "Ctrl" in timpul miscarii mouse-ului.
Instrumentul pentru latime a fost destinat initial pentru lucrul cu "tableta grafica", deci cele mai bune rezultate se obtin cu un stylus de tableta grafica. Este similar cu lucrul cu un creion sau o radiera (daca tineti apasata tasta "Ctrl").
- NOTA: .....The Width Tool intended to fine-tune line width. If you want to heavily increase/decrease the line width its better to use the Normal Tool to directly manipulate the width ducks.
- Growth - Defines how much a single mouse move will affect the line width. It must be non-zero to have this tool make effect on bline.
- Radius - Defines the size of area around current cursor position in which vertex will be affected. It is allows you not to follow the line directly with a mouse to have a noticeable effect. It's fine to try Width Tool on blines with lots of segments (use Instrumentul de desenare - Draw Tool to create those), you will see it works on more than just the first vertex. It is a full circular area, other points may distract it though.
- Relative Growth - Doesn't really work very well unless the "Radius" parameter is set to some huge value (like a million).
If you don't want Width Ducks to be displayed, during usage of the Width Tool, just turn them off by pressing Alt+5. You can turn them on again with the same keybinding.