Doc:Video Tutorials/cs

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English • čeština • español • 中文(中国大陆)‎


This page contains outdated information.

The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text.

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Youtube ID Popis
Použití časové smyčky
synfig 'Time Loop' demo - version 0.2 WyYLd7319Gw
Synfig- Bouncing Ball Using Time Loop DLwqkHwNU7M
Animace růže
Synfig flower animation tutorial (1/4) U1EjObyN1pc
Synfig flower animation tutorial (2/4) oSAilqEKEJs
Synfig flower animation tutorial (3/4) STP01dOxvMU
Synfig flower animation tutorial (4/4) 8dcAqZxwOWM
Synfig tutorial
Synfig Tutorial 1: Getting Started zYA4gYho5vo
Synfig Tutorial 2: Animation Basics zVFbYm4EnlA
Synfig Tutorial 3: Adding Layers -nE-FzKPEbc
Synfig Tutorial 4: Creating Shapes YeIam21c0n0
Synfig Tutorial 5: Animating Shapes 7x5ET6JTvKY
Synfig Tutorial 6: Project Dimensions & Basic Masks YgcLUHA-2JM
Tutorial Synfig
Tutorial Synfig Studio part 1 medWXZKpzRc
Tutorial Synfig Studio part. 2 NyrQrBTJetU
Tutorial Synfig Studio part.3 CGSKUd6h9cU
Tutorial Synfig Studio part.4 NaK5ldqDVu8
Tutorial Synfig Studio part.5 3Fw0nIyDQhg
Plošková animace
Cut Out Animation with Synfig Studio - Part One Q-Mf9hbft8E
Cut Out Animation with Synfig Studio - Part Two BWNzY_HZhEc
Fázová animace
Development - Frame-by-frame animation (Part 1) eKDvN-ZNSTo
Development - Frame-by-frame animation (Part 2) 8NnMMbcXfxE
Development - Frame-by-frame animation (Part 3) tzGx6f4rBnM
Development - Frame-by-frame animation (Part 4) Z5Bj2BzG36U
Základy animace
Synfig studios basic tutorial part 1 S0snIErKuFg
Synfig studios basic tutorial part 2 nv_KR9rG55Y
Synfig studios basic tutorial part 3 s3B9L6amPn8
Synfig character template
Synfig character template - Tutorial, part 1 DTTx3MI_-FQ
Synfig character template - Tutorial, part 2 324dvUkrIho
Synfig character template - Tutorial, part 3 esU0iRQa3n4
Development - Bones (part 1) T9cY8J7gWCg
Development - Bones (part 2) qbWT9sjh36U
Development - Bones (part 3) oHGFduXRiw8
Development - Bones (part 4) WJrhHuXROY0
Development - Bones (part 5) 9yCLR-broWA
Development - Bones (part 6) NY0uYYDxewQ
Development - Bones (part 7) NbI6TeAHbgs
Standard 11
Std 11 Lesion-3 Moving Circle Animation Part-1 cyjEjA-Qvpg
Standard 11 Lesion-3 Animation using 3SkmZy3vmis
Standard 11 Lesion-3 Make Duplicate Key Frame and Use of Time loop in Synfig Part-3 7RO4bhnSlxU
Standard 11 Lesion-4 Gradient Effect on Circle Part-1 5ZHWE5h-wqU
Standard 11 Lesion-4 Moving Circle on Path Part - 2 r0Q2_ghNNtM
Std 11 Resize and Rotate Image in Synfig Lesson-5 Practical-1 hrmsP53NwH4
Std 11 Creating Mask Layer in Synfig Lesson-5 Pra 2-3 QjAJ7wnu4JM
Std 11 Making Slide Show Using Synfig Lesson-5 Pra-4 DYGvY-3_VkA
Std 11 onMouseOver Even with Synfig Lesson-5 Pra-5 FXSt5VKGLnY

Languages Language: 

English • čeština • español • 中文(中国大陆)‎