
From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
Revision as of 14:53, 9 November 2008 by Genete (Talk | contribs) (New Roadmap draft)

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New Road Map

online Roadmap Of Synfig If you want to collaborate to edit this "roadmap mindmap" please let us know in the talk page of this one.

This It is not finished but would be a comprehensive list of things to be done/fix. This mind map would help to create the real Road Map for the next release. The road map should be an ordered list of bugs and features that should be fixed/implemented in the next release.

Old Road Map

There is no specific roadmap, we just work on whatever happens to catch our interest. So far, we've made releases once there are a reasonable number of new fixes and/or features. This usually occurs every 6 months or so. Please see the release page for the process we go through when releasing. Please see the wishlist page if you have some ideas. Please see Software roadmap for things we want to do with synfig at some point.

As an open source project, synfig is relatively young. As a result, it has lots of creases that need to be ironed out. The copyright is sorted, the code compiles fine, but there are warts when running the code and important features that are missing. To smooth out those warts, we need people to help out. We cannot do everything ourselves, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!

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