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Want to setup an IDE to debug / develop synfig ?

Here, we will not discuss of witch IDE is better or if real hacker do all with vi/emacs

Clone the code my dear

This assume you already cloned the code from git
note end

Anjuta from gnu/linux

(Tested with Anjuta 3.14.0)

What Anjuta is?

First build !

This will generate all needed makefile

  • Open "autobuild/synfigstudio-linux-build.sh" and change "DEBUG=0" to "DEBUG=1" (line 76)
  • Build from "autobuild/synfigstudio-linux-build.sh"
  • During this time install "anjuta" from synaptic or whatever ... (from xubuntu 14.10 you must install Anjuta 3.14 from this ppa for example : see here why)

when anjuta installed and synfig builded....

Import synfig (etl / core / studio) projects in Anjuta

  • Open Anjuta, in "Action" choose "Import a project" and choose your code location (synfig/ETL , synfig/synfig-core or synfig/synfig-studio)
  • Select a project name and Import
  • At the project backend choice, select "Autotools" and go for it (if you kept the default project name, replace the existing project with the new one)
  • Wait a minute ... project loaded !

Repeat for each synfig project

Your now able to build from Anjuta.

Want to debug maybe ?

  • From Anjuta "<Menu> → <Execute> → <Program Paramter> → Program" : select synfig-studio binary "/home/user/synfig/bin" (i also setup the working directory)
  • Now you need to clean the project and build it again (but this time from anjuta)
  • Anjuta "<Menu> → <Build> → Clean"
  • Anjuta "<Menu> → <Build> → Build"

you (shouldbe) are ready to debug / improve / patch and share !

Extra note

As Anjuta projects are saved in git examined folders, you could have sort of behavior when you git your code ... personally i have made a little script to backup/restore my own project to keep the folder safe of undesired change (.gitignore is also git surveyed !)

Eclipse from gnu/linux

(Tested with Eclipse 3.8.1)

What Eclipse is?

First build !

This will generate all needed makefile

  • Open "autobuild/synfigstudio-linux-build.sh" and change "DEBUG=0" to "DEBUG=1" (line 76)
  • Build from "autobuild/synfigstudio-linux-build.sh"
  • During this time install "eclipse" & "eclispe-cdt" packages from synaptic or whatever ...

when eclipse installed and synfig builded....

Import synfig (etl / core / studio) projects in Eclipse

Open Eclipse, choose your desired place for the workspace (i recommend not in ./synfig folder if you want to commit, better just above)

For each synfig component (etl / core / studio ...)

  1. Eclipse / Menu / Makefile project with existing code
  2. Choose your project name (etl / core / studio ...)
  3. Select code location (synfig/ETL , synfig/synfig-core or synfig/synfig-studio)
  4. Select your toolchain ... and click Finish ... and Wait a little ...

Your now able to build from Eclipse.

Want to debug maybe ?

  • From "Project Explorer" panel, select your project properties (alt+enter / menu-project or right clicking)
  • In "C/C++ Build" Uncheck "Use default build command" and put a "make -j2 install" (-jXX at your connivance ...)
  • In "Run/Debug Setting" click "New" or "Edit..." , in C/C++ Application , browse and select the synfig-studio binary from "/home/user/synfig/bin"

Stop on Startup, what the heck ?

you (shouldbe) are ready to debug / improve / patch and share !

Have a functional environment

Add Includes paths to Code Analysis

  • From "Project Explorer" panel, select your project properties (alt+enter / menu-project or right clicking)
  • In C/C++ General / Paths and Symbols / Includes , add all the paths you need (ETL / Synfig-core / Cairo / Gtkmm ....)

Netbeans from gnu/linux

(Tested with Netbeans 8.0.2)
What Netbeans is?
Done following the video tutorial made by Konstantin Dmitriev (in russian ;))
Assuming the source will be installed in /home/yourUsername/sources/synfig.single in the screenshots
Don't forget to replace it with your own userName!

Install Netbeans

Be aware you need to have a JDK devel package installed on your machine to be able to install Netbeans
On Fedora, I had to install it with the following command "yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel"

Install "Netbeans" from synaptic or from the original download page, if not done already ...

First build !

This will generate all needed makefile

  • Open "autobuild/synfigstudio-linux-build.sh" and change "DEBUG=0" to "DEBUG=1" (line 76)


  • Another possibility (like on the video) is to set DEBUG=1 (and a space) before the script name in the console

in the console enter:" /home/yourUsername/sources/synfig.single/autobuild/synfigstudio-linux-build.sh"

when Netbeans installed and synfig builded....

Import synfig (etl / core / studio) projects in Netbeans

  • Open Netbeans
  • Open File/New Project....

1. Choose Project

  • Choose "C/C++ Project" under "Categories",
  • Choose "C/C++ Project with Existing Sources"
Install In Netbeans 1.png
  • 2. Select Mode
Source folder /home/yourUsername/sources/synfig.single
Build Host localhost
Tools Collection Default(GNU (GNU))
Configuration Mode Custom
Install In Netbeans 2.png

3. Build Tool

  • Using an existing makefile


  • Uncheck "Clean and Build after Finish"
Install In Netbeans 3.png

4. Build Action

Working Directory "/home/yourUsername/sources/synfig.single/synfig-studio"
Build Command "${MAKE} -f Makefile -j 4 install"
Clean Command "${MAKE} -f Makefile clean"
Build Result "/home/yourUsername/synfig/bin/synfigstudio"
Install In Netbeans 4.png
5. Source Files
  • Add "/home/yourUsername/sources/synfig.single"
Install In Netbeans 5.png
6. Code Assistance Configuration
  • Choose "Automatic Configuration"
Install In Netbeans 6.png
7. Project Name and Location
Project Name "synfig.single"
Project Location "/home/yourUsername/sources"
Project Folder "/home/yourUsername/sources/synfig.single"
Build Host "localhost"
Tool Collection "Default(GNU (GNU))"
Install In Netbeans 7.png
  • Press "Finish"
  • Wait a minute ... project loaded !

Your now able to build from Netbeans.