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Revision as of 08:37, 18 April 2012

Languages Language: 

English • español • français • română


This page contains outdated information.

The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text.

You can help updating this page - see instructions here. Thank you!

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Puteti da click pe butonul dreapta mouse pe oricare parametru din caseta Params Panel/ro si sa il Exportati. Aceasta operatiune il adauga la caseta Children Panel, si permite sa fie folosit ca valoare pentru alti parametri. Nu pot fi exportati doi parametri cu acelasi nume.


Puteti sterge un parametru exportat, cu click-dreapta de mouse pe parametrul exportat (sau Value Node) si selectati "Unexport". Va sterge Value Node curent selectat exportat fara a afecta alt parametru care este conectat la Value Node exportat.

Spatiile de lucru exportate nu pot fi sterse cand sunt folosite.


Exported Value Nodes are visible in the Children Panel only for the current edited canvas. So if you export the canvas parameter and then double click in the Canvas Dialog you will open the canvas in edit mode in another window. You can export a parameter while editing that canvas, and then the exported parameter will be visible only in the canvas scope. It will allow have same exported name for several Value Nodes in different canvases.


You can also rename an exported parameter. Just make right click on the exported parameter (or the exported Value Node. It will not affect to the connected parameters that will remain connected to that renamed ValueNode/ro.


You can convert any exported Value Node using the Convert/ro right click menu. But there is a difference: converting a connected parameter will disconnect from its exported Value Node. But if you convert a Value Node all the connected parameter will follow the converted Value Node.

Languages Language: 

English • español • français • română