Warning! This page contains outdated information. The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text. You can help updating this page - see instructions here. Thank you! |
Exista posibilitatea legarii impreuna a doi sau mai multi marcatori, astfel incat atunci cand miscati unul dintre ei, sa se mute si celalalt. Acest lucru este realizat automat atunci cand creati un contur si o regiune in acelasi timp cu instrumentul bline; este creata o singura linie Bezier care este legata la parametrul pentru noduri al conturului si al regiunii. Acest lucru permite ca la mutarea conturului sa fie mutata si regiunea din interiorul conturului.
Pentru a lega mai multi marcatori impreuna, selectati mai intai straturile acestora si trageti cu mouse-ul o zona in jurul acestora, sau tineti apasata tasta Ctrl si selectati fiecate marcator individual, dupa care dati click pe butonul dreapta mouse si alegeti optiunea 'link' din meniul contextual.
Toti marcatorii selectati trebuie sa fie de acelasi tip de baza. Nu se pot lega valori reale de valori vectoriale.
Care marcatori se misca si care raman nemiscati?
Consideram ca ati selectat mai multi marcatori si ca ati ales optiunea 'link' din meniul contextual. Care dintre pozitiile marcatorilor sunt folosite ca pozitii noi?
Aici are loc un proces decizional pe mai multe niveluri:
Nivelul 0
Nivelul 0 se aplica doar pentru marcatorii care contin valori simple (adica nici unul dintre ei nu au valori pentru noduri ValueNode/ro). Aici pot fi intalnite doua cazuri:
- Daca fiecare marcator se afla pe cate un strat diferit, atunci 'primul' este cel care se afla pe stratul mai deasupra - svn r1564. Inainte de asta a fost folosit cel de pe stratul cel mai de jos.
- Daca marcatorii se afla pe acelasi strat, va fi marcatorul afisat ultimul marcator a cariu valoare a fost folosita in fereastra de dialog cu parametri.
Acest lucru nu are loc atunci cand oricare din marcatori este animat, convertit sau deja legat la oricare alt element, inclusiv cazul in care este parte dintr-o linie Bezier (bline).
Tier 1
If any of the ducks are an exported value:
- If all the ducks which are an exported value are the same exported value, then that value is used.
- Otherwise it's an error; linking isn't allowed to change an exported value.
Tier 2
So none of the ducks are an exported value.
If any of the ducks are referenced more than the others, then one of those is used.
What does 'referenced' mean? It's a count of how many times the value is used. If 2 ducks are linked together, that value will be referenced twice.
Notice that if you draw an outline and region at once using the bline tool, the points in the created layers will each have a reference count of one, since the points themselves aren't linked to each other. Rather, it is the blines (the lists of blinepoints) that are linked. On the other hand, if you draw an outline and a region separately and link their vertices individually, then each vertex will have a reference count of 2.
Tier 3
If it's still not decided which one to use, and some of the ducks are animated and others are constant values, then one of the animated ones will be used.
Tier 4
After that, if two or more ducks are animated, the one with the most waypoints gets priority.
Tier 5
If it's still not decided, then the one that was least recently modified will get priority.
So if all other things are equal, you can decide which duck gets moved by nudging the one you want to move a little just before linking.
Note that until svn r1563 the modification time wasn't being initialised when layers were first created. This had the effect of giving the modification time a random value, which usually came out around zero, and so newly created layers would appear to be older than old-but-edited layers.
Tier 6
If even the modification date of the ValueNodes is the same, there's nothing to base the decision on and so the 'first' duck's value is used.