Keyboard Shortcuts

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Here is a list of some of the keyboard sortcuts you currently have at your disposal. These are the defaults. There is a way to customize these, but it is currently not intuitive. Basically you need to edit the accelrc file in your synfig settings directory (don't forget to remove the ";" at the start of a line if you want it to be taken into account).

Keystroke Description
ControlA Select all ducks
⇧ ShiftControlA Select all layers
ControlC Copy currently selected layer(s) and put them in the clipboard
ControlD Deselect all ducks
⇧ ShiftControlD Deselect all layers
ControlG Toggle grid show
ControlI Import image
ControlL Toggle grid snap
ControlN New composition (since r1386)
ControlO Open composition (since r1386)
AltO Toggle onion skin (since r1525 - it was Control-O until r1386)
ControlP Play the current animation in the WorkArea
ControlQ Quit Synfig Studio
ControlR Redo
ControlS Save
ControlV Paste the layer(s) from the clipboard above the currently selected layer
ControlW Closes the current animation document.
ControlX Cut currently selected layer(s) and put them in the clipboard
ControlZ Undo
Control` Toggle low/high-resolution (defaults to low resolution)
Control0...9 Change the current rendering quality (lower is better, but 0==10)
Alt1 Toggle display of "Position" ducks
Alt2 Toggle display of "Vertex" ducks
Alt3 Toggle display of "Tangent" ducks
Alt4 Toggle display of "Radius" ducks
Alt5 Toggle display of "Width" ducks (DEFAULTS TO OFF)
Alt6 Toggle display of "Angle" ducks
Control- Zoom out of canvas (spacial zoom)
Control+'=' Zoom in on canvas (spacial zoom)
Control⇧ ShiftZ Zoom canvas to 100% (spacial zoom)
Control_ Zoom out of timeline (temporal zoom)
Control+ Zoom in on timeline (temporal zoom)
Control, Move backward one frame
Control. Move forward one frame (be careful - can step past the end of an animation; fixed in svn r452)
Control< Move backward one second
Control> Move forward one second
Control[ Move backward to previous keyframe
Control] Move forward to next keyframe
↖ Home Jump to beginning of timeline (broken; fixed in svn r451)
⇥ End Jump to end of timeline (broken; fixed in svn r451)
Control( Decrease workarea pixel size
Control) Increase workarea pixel size
ControlAlt( Decrease 'amount' of selected layer
ControlAlt) Increase 'amount' of selected layer
⇧ ShiftPageUp Raise currently selected layers
⇧ ShiftPgdn Lower currently selected layers
AltA Select Transform Tool
AltV Select Smooth Move Tool (shortcut added in svn r548)
AltS Select Scale Tool (shortcut changed in svn r1985)
AltT Select Rotate Tool (shortcut changed in svn r1985)
AltM Select Mirror Tool (shortcut added in svn r548)
AltC Select Circle Tool (shortcut added in svn r548)
AltR Select Rectangle Tool (shortcut added in svn r548)
AltQ Select Star Tool (tool and shortcut added in svn r1983)
AltG Select Gradient Tool
AltP Select Polygon Tool (shortcut added in svn r548)
AltB Select BLine Tool
AltX Select Text Tool (tool and shortcut added in svn r1959)
AltF Select Fill Tool
AltE Select Eyedrop Tool
AltZ Select Zoom Tool
AltD Select Draw Tool (shortcut changed in svn r2009)
AltK Select Sketch Tool (shortcut added in svn r548)
AltW Select Width Tool (shortcut changed in svn r2009)
F8 Canvas Properties
F9 Render
F11 Preview
F12 Canvas Options (Grid size, etc.)
Escape Stop current process. For example: when pressed it leaves the current state (Circle, Rectangle, Star, Gradient, Text, Fill, Eyedrop, Zoom, Draw and Sketch Tools) and returns to the Normal Tool State. Seems to be missing for the rest of Tools.
Delete Deletes the currently selected canvas. (CAREFUL! There is currently a bug which makes this work in just about any context! ie: if you are editing a parameter and press the Delete, it will delete the layer! this can be easily undone, but just keep it in mind) Since SVN r2303 this has been changed to ControlDelete to avoid that bug.
Cursor key Nudge the currently selected duck(s) one pixel in the given direction
⇧ ShiftCursor key Nudge the currently selected duck(s) ten pixels in the given direction
← Backspace Select the immediate paste canvas parent (if any) of the current selected layer.

Hotkeys Visual Guide

A good way to learn all this shorcuts is putting them in front of your eyes all the time. Because of that, we bring to you a beatiful "Hotkeys Visual Guide" that you can use as a poster.

We offer you two print sizes (both in PDF):

And these are the source files in SVG format:

Give us your feedback and comments.

Languages Language: 

English • español • română