
From Synfig Studio :: Documentation
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The File menu has the following options:

  • New
  • Open
  • Open Recent
  • Save

Save - Saves the current project.

    • ".sifz" save a compressed project file.
    • ".sfg" will embed images, audio, etc compressed into a zip container.
    • If you use ".sif" then the files tend to get pretty large. The best thing to do is not to use any '.' in the path at all, and then synfig will append .sifz (if it's new enough) or .sif (otherwise).

See also Synfig file formats.

  • Save as

Save As - Saves the current project under a different name.

Again, use .sif, .sifz or .sfg for synfig save files, or use a path without any '.' characters to get the default (compressed if supported).

  • Save all
  • Revert

Revert - Opens the version saved on disk. This will overwrite any unsaved changes.

  • CVS - revision control system

CVS Update
CVS Commit
CVS Revert

  • Import

Import - Imports an external file.

Depending on the file type you import, the appropriate layer is created and added to the Layers Panel:

Image files supported

The images are imported with its dimension unless you have "<Edit> → <Preferences> → <Misc.> → Scale New imported images to fit canvas" checked.

The supported file formats include :

  • PNG
    • PNG with alpha
  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • BMP
  • XCF (though layers are not supported, for multi-layer .xcf file see Gimp2synfig extension )
  • PSD (though layers are not supported, for multi-layer convert it to xcf using Gimp and then use Gimp2synfig extension)
  • TGA
  • PPM
  • EXR
  • SVG (using the Inkscape "SIF exporter" extension is the recommended way)
  • LST (to import an image sequence)

Sound files supported

  • OGG
  • WAV
  • MP3
  • ...

The full list of supported file formats depend on MLT framework (Media Loving Toolkit)

  • Render

Render - Open the Render options dialog to export the project.

  • Preview

Preview - Render out a Preview of the current project.

  • Close

Close - Close the current project.

  • Quit

Quit - Close all opened project and quit synfigstudio.

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Pages in category "File Menu"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.