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Released March 3rd 2008
<div class="note">
You can find a brief version in this {{l|Releases/0.61.08-Intro.en|page}}
== General ==
Update the website URL to synfig.org instead of synfig.com.
Removed the 'bootstrap' script for building.  Use autoreconf instead.
Fixed errors and warnings detected by a pre-release version of g++ 4.3.
Synfig is now {{l|Translation|translatable}} using gettext.  Currently only Spanish and French translations exist.
Fixes to allow sigc++ 2.1 and newer to be used. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1859663 1859663])
== ETL ==
== ETL ==
  Update the website URL to http://synfig.org/ instead of synfig.com.
Make ETL-config a wrapper around pkg-config.
== Layers ==
New layer, '{{l|Duplicate Layer|Duplicate}}'. This is an experimental feature, but
seems to work quite well.  It can be used to clone the layers
under it multiple times.
When creating a new layer with a bline in it (outline, region, etc.)
via the "New Layer" menu, make the new bline immediately editable.
Previously it was necessary to convert the vertex list to type BLine
before it could be edited.
Prevent a "bad_alloc" error in the '{{l|Paste Canvas Layer|PasteCanvas}}' layer
caused by the bounding boxes changing when the user
changes parameters while rendering.
Allow zooming furter in to nested PasteCanvas layers. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1809480 1809480])
New parameter "reverse" in the Plant layer allows
plants to be rendered back-to-front.
Use the 'width' of each blinepoint in the plant
layer to affect the velocities. Patch from
genete. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1831897 1831897])
Add the 'offset' parameter to the Plant layer.
Don't let 'select all' select the green ducks of a
plant layer.
Do some sanity checking on Plant layer parameters.
Prevent a crash when rendering a 'Stretch' layer with
zero x or y amount.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1823082 1823082])
Make the 'Stretch' layer's "amount" duck be relative
to the center duck.
Allow multibyte characters in the Text layer. Patch by
Niki W. Waibel.
( [http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1852208 1852208])
First step towards fixing the problem of distorted
'Text' layers not rendering correctly at tile borders.
Polygon: Fix a crash when turning the first point in a polygon off.
Draw in the complete outline of polygons when they are 'looped'.
Shade: Make the quality of the 'Shade' layer worse at
quality 10 than it is at quality 9!
Shape: Rename the 'Position' parameter to 'Offset' for
all the 'Shape' layers.
Spherize: Fix clipping for tile-based rendering in
Spherize layer.
Star: New parameter "regular polygon" in the 'Star'
layer allows regular polygons to be drawn.
Time Loop: New version 0.2 of the 'Time Loop'
layer. It uses the same parameters as the newly added
Time Loop ValueNode.
Warp: Fix a problem with the 'Warp' layer where some
tiles weren't being rendered.
== ValueNodes ==
Add new types:
* '{{l|Convert#Bline Width|Bline Width}}', to find the width of blines.
* '{{l|Convert#Cos|Cos}}', to calculate cosines.
* '{{l|Convert#Duplicate|Duplicate}}', only used by the Duplicate layer.
* '{{l|Convert#From_Integer|From Integer}}', to convert integers to other types for linking to.  Currently disabled.
* '{{l|Convert#Random|Random}}', to generate pseudo-random values.
* '{{l|Convert#Reciprocal|Reciprocal}}', to calculate reciprocals.
* '{{l|Convert#Reverse_Tangent|Reverse Tangent}}', to reverse the direction of tangents.
* '{{l|Convert#Step|Step}}', to convert a parameter's curve into a step function.
* '{{l|Convert#Switch|Switch}}', to switch between two alternative values.
* '{{l|Convert#Time_Loop|Time Loop}}', to allow individual parameters to be time looped, like the Time Loop layer, but for individual parameters.
* '{{l|Convert#aTan2|aTan2}}', to calculate inverse tangents.
Extended types: 'Add' and 'Subtract' now work with gradients.
== Targets ==
Fix one memory leak and one filehandle leak in target 'png'.
Fix the ffmpeg/dv/imagemagick targets/importers on Windows.
Improved the 'imagemagick' target so it can create a series of numbered images.
Fixed the 'mng' and 'yuv420p' targets.
Security fixes: arbitrary code execution when rendering specially crafted .sif files.
Show which output target is used if it has been chosen automatically, not specified by the user.
Added new target 'magick++' for rendering multiple images to a single file using Magick++. When using version 7.3 of Magick++ it produces much better GIF images.
Removed the 'bootstrap' script for building.  Use autoreconf instead.
Fix the 'auto' render target selection, so it automatically choses the target type each time based on the filename.
Fixed errors and warnings detected by a pre-release version of g++
== Blend Methods ==
  Make ETL-config a wrapper around pkg-config. Patch by Ralf Corsepius
Don't accept illegal values for 'blend_method'. Use
'Composite' instead.
== Synfig Core ==
Re-enable the 'alpha brighten' and 'alpha darken' blend
  Synfig is now translatable using gettextCurrently only a Spanish translation exists.
Fix the 'straight', 'straight onto' and 'alpha brighten' blend
methods. Even completely transparent pixels in the top layer
should affect the result of these blendsExisting .sif files
which relied on the previously broken behavior should still
render correctly for the most part.
== Canvases ==
Removed the 'bootstrap' script for building.  Use autoreconf
Fixed errors and warnings detected by a pre-release version of
Fix a crash that was happening if we had 2 exported canvases
g++ 4.3.
in a .sif file where the 2nd contained a pastecanvas that used
the 1st as its canvas.  The canvases are destructed in the
order in which they appear in the .sif file, so by the time
the 2nd is destroyed, the pastecanvas it contains no longer
has a valid canvas parameter.  The fix is to clear the canvas
parameter of any pastecanvases using a canvas when the canvas
itself is destroyed.
Encapsulations containing imported images fail to clone
New layer, 'Duplicate'.  This is an experimental feature, but
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1838132 1838132])
seems to work quite well.  It can be used to clone the layers
under it multiple times. ( http://synfig.org/Duplicate_Layer )
== Files ==
Prevent a "bad_alloc" error in the 'PasteCanvas' layer
caused by the bounding boxes changing when the user
changes parameters while rendering.
Allow zooming furter in to nested PasteCanvas
Refer the user to a {{l|Convert#Compatibility|compatibility page}} if
layers. (#1809480)
we try to load a .sif file that uses a not-yet-implemented
ValueNode type, or that tries using a ValueNode with a type
which it doesn't yet support.
Plant Layer
Changed the .sif file format.  'Composite' and 'Radial
Composite' ValueNodes used to be saved with obscure XML
New parameter "reverse" in the Plant layer allows
element names <c1>, <c2>, etc.  Now we use more readable names
plants to be rendered back-to-front.
<point>, <width>, etc.  The old version is still accepted, and
can still be written by selecting the old version from the
"Save As..." dialog.  The new format will not be accepted by
previous releases of Synfig.
Fix: Use the 'width' of each blinepoint in the plant
New Feature: Allow saving .sif files in formats that can be
layer to affect the velocities. Patch from
read by versions 0.61.07 and older.
genete. (#1831897)
Add the 'offset' parameter to the Plant layer.
Add information about which valuenode types were added in
which release.  Don't save new types in old format files.
Don't let 'select all' select the green ducks of a
Prevent a crash when loading a .sif file with 'use=""' in it.
plant layer.
Do some sanity checking on Plant layer parameters.
Prevent studio crashing when loading a document that
contains an unknown valuenode type from a newer version of
synfig. Simply refuse to load the document instead.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1811250 1811250])
When doing a 'Save As', default to saving in the same
directory that the file was loaded from, if any.
Prevent a crash when rendering a 'Stretch' layer with
zero x or y amount. (#1823082)
Make the 'Stretch' layer's "amount" duck be relative
Remember separate default directories for opening and writing
to the center duck.
each of animations, images, sketches, rendered output, and
== Settings ==
Allow multibyte characters in the Text layer. Patch by
Niki W. Waibel. (#1852208)
First step towards fixing the problem of distorted
Added the option to run everything in the same thread.  It
'Text' layers not rendering correctly at tile borders.
doesn't work very well, and seems to cause more problems than
it solves.
Default 'end time' for new canvases to 5s instead of 0.
That's one less thing a new user then needs to edit to start
Shade: Make the quality of the 'Shade' layer worse at
making his first animation.  Also, don't show the intimidating
quality 10 than it is at quality 9!
canvas properties dialog when a new composition is created,
just use the defaults.  Set environment variable
change locally.
Shape: Rename the 'Position' parameter to 'Offset' for
If no documents are specified to be loaded on the command line
all the 'Shape' layers.
at start-up, create a new empty document so the novice user
can get started straight away.  If environment variable
create a blank document on startup, even if no documents were
specified on the command line.  I'll add proper configuration
items within the gui for this and other recent changes soon.
Spherize: Fix clipping for tile-based rendering in
Add a setting in the gui for the auto-backup interval.
Spherize layer.
Star: New parameter "regular polygon" in the 'Star'
Fix a crash on Windows when recovering an auto-saved file which had
layer allows regular polygons to be drawn.
never been saved.
Time Loop: New version 0.2 of the 'Time Loop'
Add a new time format: frames only, which shows times as just the
layer. It uses the same parameters as the newly added
number of frames, rather than breaking it into minutes, seconds, and
Time Loop ValueNode.
Warp: Fix a problem with the 'Warp' layer where some
== Linking ==
tiles weren't being rendered.
When linking simple values, use the value from the topmost layer.
Add new type: 'Cos', to calculate cosines. (
http://wiki.synfig.com/Convert#Cos )
Add new type: 'Duplicate', only used by the Duplicate layer. (
Attempting to link a duck from the Children panel with other ducks
http://synfig.org/Convert#Duplicate )
was causing an error. Now it isn't.
Add new type: 'From Integer', to convert integers to other
== Quality ==
types for linking to.  Currently disabled. (
http://synfig.org/Convert#From_Integer )
Add new type: 'Random', to generate pseudo-random values. (
Change the default quality to 8. It makes shade layers render
http://synfig.org/Convert#Random )
better without much impact on speed.
Add new type: 'Reciprocal', to calculate reciprocals. (
Label the preview qualities "best" and "fastest" because it's
http://synfig.org/Convert#Reciprocal )
not clear that higher numbers mean lower qualities.
Add new type: 'Reverse Tangent', to reverse the direction of
== Waypoints ==
tangents. ( http://synfig.org/Convert#Reverse_Tangent )
Add new type: 'Switch', to switch between two alternative
Fix ugly waypoint drawing by rounding to integer values
values. ( http://synfig.org/Convert#Switch )
symmetrically. The improvement can be seen here:
Add new type: 'Time Loop', to allow individual parameters to
be time looped, like the Time Loop layer, but for individual
parameters. ( http://synfig.org/Convert#Time_Loop )
Add new type: 'aTan2', to calculate inverse tangents. (
Improve the waypoint context menus.  Now it's possible to delete and
http://synfig.org/Convert#aTan2 )
duplicate complete trees of waypoints at once.  The 'change interp'
functionality has been extended too, so now it's possible to set the
interpolation type for the whole waypoint, or for just the 'in' or
just the 'out' interpolation, without having to aim the right-click at
a particular half of the waypoint. Improved the keyboard shortcuts on
the waypoint context menus; to set the 'In' interpolation to Constant,
type "IC", and so on.
Extended types: 'Add' and 'Subtract' now work with gradients.
Fix a crash when editing a waypoint with a non-static value.
Attach the "(Non-static value)" label into the waypoint
Fix one memory leak and one filehandle leak in target 'png'..
Fix the ffmpeg/dv/imagemagick targets/importers on Windows.
Experimental: "export SYNFIG_SHOW_CANVAS_PARAM_WAYPOINTS=1" to
see canvas parameter waypoints, not canvas content waypoints
in PasteCanvas layers.  Doesn't work too well - dragging the
waypoints doesn't work, for instance.
Improved the 'imagemagick' target so it can create a series of
When a PasteCanvas' "time offset" parameter shifts the timing
numbered images.
of its sub-canvas, the waypoints of that subcanvas are now
displayed shifted accordingly.
Fixed the 'mng' and 'yuv420p' targets.
== Time ==
Allow manual editing of the current time in the workarea
Security fixes: arbitrary code execution when rendering
Don't expand time fields to their full format (eg. "1s" -> "0h
specially crafted .sif files.
0m 1s 0f") when they get keyboard focus. export
SYNFIG_SHOW_FULL_TIME_ON_FOCUS=1 will restore the old
Show which output target is used if it has been chosen
Make sure the time entry box shows the correct time - rounded
automatically, not specified by the user.
to an integer number of frames.
Blend Methods
Improve the range of different scales used on the timeslider.
Previously 3 fps animations were having the timeslider
Don't accept illegal values for 'blend_method'. Use
labelled "0.75f, 1.5f, ..." rather than "1f, 2f, ...".
'Composite' instead.
Re-enable the 'alpha brighten' and 'alpha darken' blend
Subdivide the space between labels on the timeslider sensibly.
Don't divide a 5 second gap into 4 parts of 1.25 seconds each,
for instance.
Fix the 'straight', 'straight onto' and 'alpha brighten' blend
Set minimum and maximum zoom levels for the timescroller.
methods.  Even completely transparent pixels in the top layer
should affect the result of these blends.  Existing .sif files
which relied on the previously broken behavior should still
render correctly for the most part.
Allow the use of horizontal scrolling to adjust the current
time in timeslider widgets.
Fix a crash that was happening if we had 2 exported canvases
in a .sif file where the 2nd contained a pastecanvas that used
the 1st as its canvas.  The canvases are destructed in the
order in which they appear in the .sif file, so by the time
the 2nd is destroyed, the pastecanvas it contains no longer
has a valid canvas parameter.  The fix is to clear the canvas
parameter of any pastecanvases using a canvas when the canvas
itself is destroyed.
Encapsulations containing imported images fail to clone
Improve the algorithm for determining the number of tick marks
properly (#1838132)
to put between pairs of labels in the timeslider widgets.
It's better to divide 5 minutes into 5 tics of 1 minute each
than 6 ticks of 50 seconds each, for example.
SIF Files
Added a new icon for values of type "Time", thanks to
Refer the user to 'http://synfig.org/Convert#Compatibility' if
we try to load a .sif file that uses a not-yet-implemented
ValueNode type, or that tries using a ValueNode with a type
which it doesn't yet support.
Changed the .sif file format.  'Composite' and 'Radial
== Windows ==
Composite' ValueNodes used to be saved with obscure XML
element names <c1>, <c2>, etc.  Now we use more readable names
<point>, <width>, etc.  The old version is still accepted, and
can still be written by selecting the old version from the
"Save As..." dialog.  The new format will not be accepted by
previous releases of Synfig.
New Feature: Allow saving .sif files in formats that can be
Rename "Dialogs" to "Panels" for the dockable windows.
read by versions 0.61.07 and older.
Add information about which valuenode types were added in
My panels were drifting one or two pixels each time I started
which releaseDon't save new types in old format files.
studioThis seems to be window-manager dependent.  I've
added environment variables to allow adjusting the drift to
SYNFIG_WINDOW_POSITION_Y_OFFSET.  Setting them both to 1 stops
the drift for me in xfwm4.
Fix: Prevent a crash when loading a .sif file with 'use=""' in
Remember the position and size of the color and gradient
dialogs even if they're not displayed when studio exits.
Fix: Prevent studio crashing when loading a document that
Applied patch from IL'dar AKHmetgaleev aka AkhIL to allow
contains an unknown valuenode type from a newer version of
different pixel sizes in the workarea window. control-'(' and
synfig. Simply refuse to load the document instead. (#1811250)
control-')' make the pixels bigger and smller.
If the window positions and sizes seem to be corrupted, give
them sensible values to prevent them being created
Don't render feathering of circles or shapes (ie. outlines,
regions, stars, polygons, etc), or motion blur, blur, or
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1836848 1836848])
radial blur layers when the quality is 10.
New feature: allow importing of lipsynced voice animations
=== Console Window ===
from Papagayo (#1879688)
Fix: Inserting a new item into a list in animation mode caused
Show a very simple message in the console on start-up so as
unpredicatable renders before the time of
not to scare people when they see an empty terminal window
insertion. (#1841280)
'doing nothing'.
Fix: The hex color code parser is much more forgiving now.
Show a similar message in the console on start-up if
Previously spaces before or after the color code would cause
Studio is already running, to let the user know what
it to fail.
is happening.
Fix: Don't treat the required values of command line flags as
=== Toolbox Window ===
flags themselves. (#1695735)
Fix: Initialise the 'time_last_changed' when creating a Node.
Allow adjustment of the default brush size using
Previously it was being left at a random value.
horizontal scrolling over the preview graphic.
== Synfig Studio ==
With the re-enabling of 'Alpha Brighten', the toolbox
has become a little wider.  Some foreign translations
of the blend method could also push it wider.  And
since we have 15 tool icons by default, I've made the
toolbox 5 icons wide instead of 4, and rearranged them
slightly.  The top row is now all for "moving ducks",
the middle row for "drawing stuff", and the bottom row
is more drawing on the left and looking at stuff
(eyedrop, zoom) on the right.
Rename "Dialogs" to "Panels" for the dockable windows.
Fix the "File > Save all" menu entry.
Synfig Studio is now translatable using gettext.  Currently French
=== Workarea Window ===
and Spanish translations exist.
Removed the 'bootstrap' script for building.  Use autoreconf instead.
Added environment variable SYNFIG_DISABLE_TILE_RENDER
which when set will prevent the tile renderer from
being used.
Added the option to run everything in the same threadIt doesn't
If environment variable "SYNFIG_SHOW_TILE_OUTLINES" is defined, draw red outlines around tiles as they are renderedFor debugging purposes.
work very well, and seems to cause more problems than it solves.
Don't hide and reshow the workarea window when the user clicks the
Indicate that a canvas is unsaved by putting a '*' in front of its name.
'X' button to close it. (#1682008)
  Indicate that a canvas is unsaved by putting a '*' in front of its
The popup caret menu was disabled for some tools. New
environment variable
popup menu when set. Should this be the default?
Comments please to the bug report.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1829182 1829182])
Fix a problem with the canvas properties dialog. It wasn't possible
Fix a crash that sometimes happened when closing a document.
to edit both the 'name' and the renddesc parameters at the same time.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1850637 1850637])
Fix the 'auto' render target selection, so it automatically choses
Studio occasionally renders the tiles in the
  the target type each time based on the filename.
wrong places. This was happening when the canvas was
one pixel greater than an integer number of tiles
wide, and low-resolution rendering (the default) was
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1824437 1824437])
When a PasteCanvas' "time offset" parameter shifts the timing of its
Don't hide and reshow the workarea window when the
sub-canvas, the waypoints of that subcanvas are now displayed shifted
user clicks the 'X' button to close it.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1682008 1682008])
Added new target 'magick++' for rendering multiple images to a single
Add checkboxes to the toggleable entries in the view
file using Magick++.
Added a 'Type' column to the parameter dialog so it's possible to
Add 'new', 'open' and 'quit' to the caret>file menu.
tell an 'Add' from a 'Subtract' convert for example.
Draw tool
Change the default 'toggle onion skin' keyboard
shortcut from control-o (which is the stock binding
Fixed 'fill last stroke' button in the drawing tool.
for 'open') to alt-o.
Rearrange the drawing tool options a little.  Instead of
Keep the 'show grid' and 'snap to grid' checkboxes in the caret menu
'region only' have checkboxes for 'region' and 'fill', like in
up to date. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1896834 1896834])
the bline tool, so now it's possible to draw regions and
outlines together.
Fix: When drawing an outline and a region at the same time,
=== Preview Window ===
put the outline just on top of the region. (#1829172)
Fix: always leave only the newly created layers
Fix crash closing preview window before using it.
selected. (#1830245)
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1835429 1835429])
New environment variable:
=== Canvas Properties Dialog ===
the canvas properties dialog when creating a new document.
  Renaming exported ValueNodes no longer causes a crash. (#1823053)
New environment variable:
set, don't pop up the canvas properties dialog when
creating a new document.
The popup caret menu has been disabled for some toolsThere's no
Fix a problem with the canvas properties dialogIt
comment in the code saying why.  I've added an environment variable
wasn't possible to edit both the 'name' and the
which re-enables the popup menu when set.  export
renddesc parameters at the same time before.
SYNFIG_ENABLE_POPUP_MENU_IN_ALL_TOOLS=1 to try it, and report your
findings back to the bug report as to whether this should be the
default or not. (#1829182)
New feature: Angles are not wrapped modulo 360 degreesIt's
By default, set "use current frame" in the render
possible to animate from 0 to 361 degrees and see a full rotation,
dialog to offWhen "use current frame" is on,
rather than seeing it shortcutting as it was previously.  It's also
disable the Time tab's frame.
now possible to drag angle ducks around their origin multiple times
and have the rotations count. (#1827966)
Added environment variable SYNFIG_DISABLE_TILE_RENDER which when set
Disable the 'Time' tab when "use current frame" is
will prevent the tile renderer from being used.
Fix: Crash closing preview window before using it. (#1835429)
Don't allow the user to set the 'ID' of exported
canvases to be empty.
Fix: If the window positions and sizes seem to be corrupted, give
=== Color Editor Dialog ===
them sensible values to prevent them being created
offscreen. (#1836848)
Fix ugly waypoint drawing by rounding to integer values
Make the spinbuttons wider so it's possible to read bigger numbers.
symmetrically[http://dooglus.rincevent.net/synfig/waypoint-symmetry.png] shows the difference.
Allow a decimal place in the spinbuttonsPreviously only integer
values were allowed.
Fix: Use the 'C' locale when loading and saving sketches. (#1830670)
=== Layers Panel ===
If environment variable "SYNFIG_SHOW_TILE_OUTLINES" is defined, draw
Allow the layer panel to be sorted by layer name.
red outlines around tiles as they are rendered. For debugging
Resize the layer name column to fit the layer names.
Rename the "Layer" column to "Name".
Add buttons for 'encapsulate' and 'show all child layers'.
Fix: Studio was crashing sometimes when closing a
=== Groups Panel ===
document. (#1850637)
Also allow adjustment of the default brush size using horizontal
Allow layers to be removed from groups without the
scrolling over the preview graphic.
user having to type the name of the group they are in.
Allow the use of horizontal scrolling to adjust the current time in
=== Params Panel ===
timeslider widgets.
Allow layers to be removed from groups without the user having to
Added a 'Type' column to the parameter dialog so it's
type the name of the group they are in.
possible to tell an 'Add' from a 'Subtract' convert
for example.
Fixed errors and warnings detected by a pre-release version of g++
Added a column showing the waypoints for each parameter. export SYNFIG_DISABLE_PARAMS_PANEL_TIMETRACK=1 to disable this.
Fixes to allow sigc++ 2.1 and newer to be used. (#1859663)
=== Keyframes Panel ===
Label the preview qualities "best" and "fastest" because it's not
Add a tooltip for the 'keyframe properties' icon. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1895689 1895689])
clear that higher numbers mean lower qualities.
By default, set "use current frame" in the render dialog to off.
=== Children Panel ===
When "use current frame" is on, disable the Time tab's frame.
Added a new icon for values of type "Time", thanks to genete.
Renaming exported ValueNodes no longer causes a
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1823053 1823053])
The entries that appear in the History panel are now more explicit;
Added a column showing the waypoints for each ValueNode.
they mostly now give details of the operation rather than just a
generic fixed string, making it easier to navigate through the
history.  For example "Remove Layer 'left leg'" will show up rather
than just "Remove Layer".
When the user types in the History dialog, search for any text in the
=== History Panel ===
'name' column that matches the text.  Previously it was only
searching for names matching at the beginning.
Fix: Studio occasionally renders the tiles in the wrong places.  This
The entries that appear in the History panel are now
was happening when the canvas was one pixel greater than an integer
more explicit; they mostly now give details of the
  number of tiles wide, and low-resolution rendering (the default) was
operation rather than just a generic fixed string,
enabled. (#1824437)
making it easier to navigate through the history. For
example "Remove Layer 'left leg'" will show up rather
than just "Remove Layer".
Add 'new', 'open' and 'quit' to the caret>file menu.
Scroll the history panel as actions are added to keep the current
action in the centre of the display.
Remember separate default directories for opening and writing each of
When the user types in the History dialog, search for
animations, images, sketches, rendered output, and "miscellaneous".
any text in the 'name' column that matches the text.
Previously it was only searching for names matching at
the beginning.
Add checkboxes to the toggleable entries in the view menu.
Add a new icon to delete all 'undo' and 'redo' history together.
Default 'end time' for new canvases to 5s instead of 0.  That's one
=== About Dialog ===
less thing a new user then needs to edit to start making his first
animation.  Also, don't show the intimidating canvas properties
Implement a new about dialog based on the standard Gtk+ dialog.
dialog when a new composition is created, just use the defaults. Set
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1678554 1678554],
[http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1741220 1741220])
revert this change locally. See
If no documents are specified to be loaded on the command line at
Show the correct SVN revision id in the about dialog.
start-up, create a new empty document to the novice user can get
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1797745 1797745])
started straight away.
Allow the layer panel to be sorted by layer name.  Resize the layer
=== Splash Screen ===
name column to fit the layer names.  Rename the "Layer" column to
Remove the build information and use a new image by Rore
set, don't create a blank document on startup, even if no documents
were specified on the command line.  I'll add proper configuration
items within the gui for this and other recent changes soon.
Change the default 'toggle onion skin' keyboard shortcut from
== Tools ==
control-o (which is the stock binding for 'open') to alt-o.
Applied patch from IL'dar AKHmetgaleev aka AkhIL to allow different
=== Sketch Tool ===
pixel sizes in the workarea window.  control-'(' and control-')' make
the pixels bigger and smller.
Fix: Change the about dialog to a splash screen and implement a new
Prevent load/save failures in Spanish and other locales.
about dialog based on Gtk::AboutDialog. Still need to connect it up
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1830670 1830670])
to configure.ac though. (#1678554, #1741220)
Fix: Exported canvases weren't being deleted, due to a handle never
=== BLine Tool ===
being released. (#1868911)
With the re-enabling of 'Alpha Brighten', the toolbox has become a
Allow the bline tool to draw plants as well as outlines,
little wider.  Some foreign translations of the blend method could
regions, and curvegradients.
also push it wider.  And since we have 15 tool icons by default, I've
made the toolbox 5 icons wide instead of 4, and rearranged them
slightly.  The top row is now all for "moving ducks", the middle row
for "drawing stuff", and the bottom row is more drawing on the left
and looking at stuff (eyedrop, zoom) on the right.
Show a very simple message in the console on start-up so as not to
When the bline tool is creating new layers, arrange the new
  scare people when they see an empty terminal window 'doing nothing'.
layers in the order: Outline - Region - Plant - Gradient, so
that each layer is at least somewhat visible. Rename the
"*layer_bline*" variables to "*layer_outline*" since they
represent outlines specifically.
When linking simple values, use the value from the topmost layer.
Always show the first point in the bline being drawn in green.
Previously this happened only some of the time.
Attempting to link a duck from the Children panel with other ducks
Only show bline vertices large when the mouse is really hovering over
was causing an error. Now it isn't.
them. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1891491 1891491])
=== Draw Tool ===
Change the default quality to 8.  It makes shade layers render
better without much impact on speed.
When doing a 'Save As', default to saving in the same directory that
Fixed the 'fill last stroke' button in the drawing tool.
the file was loaded from, if any.
  BLine Tool
Rearrange the drawing tool options a little. Instead of
'region only' have checkboxes for 'region' and 'fill', like in
      Allow the bline tool to draw plants as well as outlines,
the bline tool, so now it's possible to draw regions and
      regions, and curvegradients.
outlines together.
      When the bline tool is creating new layers, arrange the new
When drawing an outline and a region at the same time,
      layers in the order: Outline - Region - Plant - Gradient, so
put the outline just on top of the region.
      that each layer is at least somewhat visible. Rename the
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1829172 1829172])
      "*layer_bline*" variables to "*layer_outline*" since they
      represent outlines specifically.
Always leave only the newly created layers selected.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1830245 1830245])
Improve the waypoint context menus. Now it's possible to
delete and duplicate complete trees of waypoints at once. The
'change interp' functionality has been extended too, so now
it's possible to set the interpolation type for the whole
waypoint from the context menu as well as just the side that
was clicked on, and it's possible for single waypoints as
Fix a crash when editing a waypoint with a non-static value.
== Ducks ==
Always draw 'real' ducks on the right hand side of the circle
they define.  Previously, canvases with a negative horizontal
pixel width were drawing it on the left.
Attach the "(Non-static value)" label into the waypoint
Add an option to restrict 'radius' ducks to the top right
corner of the plane.  This allows us to easily set their value
to zero by dragging down and left.  Thanks to Zelgadis on IRC
for the suggestion.  See "{{l|Toolbox|Toolbox}} > File > {{l|Setup Dialog|Setup Dialog}} > Misc >
Restrict Real-Valued Ducks...".
Experimental: "export SYNFIG_SHOW_CANVAS_PARAM_WAYPOINTS=1" to
Show the size of circles as they are drawn using the draw
see canvas parameter waypoints, not canvas content waypoints
in PasteCanvas layers.  Doesn't work too well - dragging the
waypoints doesn't work, for instance.
  Fix: Show the correct SVN revision id in the about dialog. (#1797745)
Give slight priority to radius ducks. That way, it's possible
to select the radius duck for a circle with radius zero.
Previously the position duck would usually be selected
Have neither Control-A nor dragging a box around ducks select
non-editable ducks, and have clicking individual ducks select them. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1891410 1891410])
Allow manual editing of the current time in the workarea
Don't expand time fields to their full format (eg. "1s" -> "0h
== Misc ==
0m 1s 0f") when they get keyboard focus.  export
SYNFIG_SHOW_FULL_TIME_ON_FOCUS=1 will restore the old
Make sure the time entry box shows the correct time - rounded
Save the position and size of each open canvas window for each of the
to an integer number of frames.
'recent' files.  When opening one of the recent files, re-open the
canvases that were previously opened, with their previous positions
and sizes.
Improve the range of different scales used on the timeslider.
Don't render feathering of circles or shapes (ie. outlines,
Previously 3 fps animations were having the timeslider
regions, stars, polygons, etc), or motion blur, blur, or
labelled "0.75f, 1.5f, ..." rather than "1f, 2f, ...".
radial blur layers when the quality is 10.
Subdivide the space between labels on the timeslider sensibly.
New feature: allow importing of lipsynced voice animations from Papagayo.
Don't divide a 5 second gap into 4 parts of 1.25 seconds each,
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1879688 1879688])
for instance.
Set minimum and maximum zoom levels for the timescroller.
Inserting a new item into a list in animation mode caused
unpredicatable renders before the time of insertion.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1841280 1841280])
Improve the behaviour of horizontal-scrolling on the time
The hex color code parser is much more forgiving now.
slider. Scroll by one 'tick', stop at either end, better
Previously spaces before or after the color code would cause
control of the time cursor position, leave the zoom alone.
it to fail.
Improve the algorithm for determining the number of tick marks
Don't treat the required values of command line flags as flags themselves.
to put between pairs of labels in the timeslider widgets.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1695735 1695735])
It's better to divide 5 minutes into 5 tics of 1 minute each
than 6 ticks of 50 seconds each, for example.
My panels were drifting one or two pixels each time I started studio.
Initialise the 'time_last_changed' when creating a Node.
This seems to be window-manager dependent.  I've added environment
Previously it was being left at a random value.
variables to allow adjusting the drift to stop it.
Setting them both to 1 stops the drift for me in xfwm4.
  Remember the position and size of the color and gradient dialogs even
New feature: Angles are not wrapped modulo 360 degrees. It's
  if they're not displayed when studio exits.
possible to animate from 0 to 361 degrees and see a full
rotation, rather than seeing it shortcutting as it was
previously. It's also now possible to drag angle ducks around
their origin multiple times and have the rotations
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1827966 1827966])
Add a setting in the gui for the auto-backup interval.
Exported canvases weren't being deleted on shutdown, due
to a handle never being released.
([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1868911 1868911])
Don't allow the user to set the 'ID' of exported canvases to be
Cloning inline canvases with different resolutions than the root canvas wasn't cloning the resolution information. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1868911 1891403])
Inserting a vertex in the closing link of a looped bline while still
in the bline tool was putting the new vertex in the wrong place. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1891391 1891391])
Always draw 'real' ducks on the right hand side of the circle
they define.  Previously, canvases with a negative horizontal
pixel width were drawing it on the left.
Add an option to restrict 'radius' ducks to the top right
Converting the first vertex of a looped bline was causing a crash. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1894998 1894998])
corner of the plane.  This allows us to easily set their value
to zero by dragging down and left.  Thanks to Zelgadis on IRC
for the suggestion.  See "Toolbox > File > Setup > Misc >
Restrict Real-Valued Ducks...".
Show the size of circles as they are drawn using the draw
Allow a subcanvas to be used multiple times at different time
offsets. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1896557 1896557])
Give slight priority to radius ducks.  That way, it's possible
Convert path to profile directory from UTF8 before trying to use it. ([http://sf.net/support/tracker.php?aid=1837445 1837445])
to select the radius duck for a circle with radius zero.
Previously the position duck would usually be selected

Latest revision as of 09:23, 8 September 2009

Languages Language: 



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Released March 3rd 2008

You can find a brief version in this page


Update the website URL to synfig.org instead of synfig.com.

Removed the 'bootstrap' script for building. Use autoreconf instead.

Fixed errors and warnings detected by a pre-release version of g++ 4.3.

Synfig is now translatable using gettext. Currently only Spanish and French translations exist.

Fixes to allow sigc++ 2.1 and newer to be used. (1859663)


Make ETL-config a wrapper around pkg-config.


New layer, 'Duplicate'. This is an experimental feature, but seems to work quite well. It can be used to clone the layers under it multiple times.

When creating a new layer with a bline in it (outline, region, etc.) via the "New Layer" menu, make the new bline immediately editable. Previously it was necessary to convert the vertex list to type BLine before it could be edited.

Prevent a "bad_alloc" error in the 'PasteCanvas' layer caused by the bounding boxes changing when the user changes parameters while rendering.

Allow zooming furter in to nested PasteCanvas layers. (1809480)

New parameter "reverse" in the Plant layer allows plants to be rendered back-to-front.

Use the 'width' of each blinepoint in the plant layer to affect the velocities. Patch from genete. (1831897)

Add the 'offset' parameter to the Plant layer.

Don't let 'select all' select the green ducks of a plant layer.

Do some sanity checking on Plant layer parameters.

Prevent a crash when rendering a 'Stretch' layer with zero x or y amount. (1823082)

Make the 'Stretch' layer's "amount" duck be relative to the center duck.

Allow multibyte characters in the Text layer. Patch by Niki W. Waibel. ( 1852208)

First step towards fixing the problem of distorted 'Text' layers not rendering correctly at tile borders.

Polygon: Fix a crash when turning the first point in a polygon off. Draw in the complete outline of polygons when they are 'looped'.

Shade: Make the quality of the 'Shade' layer worse at quality 10 than it is at quality 9!

Shape: Rename the 'Position' parameter to 'Offset' for all the 'Shape' layers.

Spherize: Fix clipping for tile-based rendering in Spherize layer.

Star: New parameter "regular polygon" in the 'Star' layer allows regular polygons to be drawn.

Time Loop: New version 0.2 of the 'Time Loop' layer. It uses the same parameters as the newly added Time Loop ValueNode.

Warp: Fix a problem with the 'Warp' layer where some tiles weren't being rendered.


Add new types:

  • 'Bline Width', to find the width of blines.
  • 'Cos', to calculate cosines.
  • 'Duplicate', only used by the Duplicate layer.
  • 'From Integer', to convert integers to other types for linking to. Currently disabled.
  • 'Random', to generate pseudo-random values.
  • 'Reciprocal', to calculate reciprocals.
  • 'Reverse Tangent', to reverse the direction of tangents.
  • 'Step', to convert a parameter's curve into a step function.
  • 'Switch', to switch between two alternative values.
  • 'Time Loop', to allow individual parameters to be time looped, like the Time Loop layer, but for individual parameters.
  • 'aTan2', to calculate inverse tangents.

Extended types: 'Add' and 'Subtract' now work with gradients.


Fix one memory leak and one filehandle leak in target 'png'.

Fix the ffmpeg/dv/imagemagick targets/importers on Windows.

Improved the 'imagemagick' target so it can create a series of numbered images.

Fixed the 'mng' and 'yuv420p' targets.

Security fixes: arbitrary code execution when rendering specially crafted .sif files.

Show which output target is used if it has been chosen automatically, not specified by the user.

Added new target 'magick++' for rendering multiple images to a single file using Magick++. When using version 7.3 of Magick++ it produces much better GIF images.

Fix the 'auto' render target selection, so it automatically choses the target type each time based on the filename.

Blend Methods

Don't accept illegal values for 'blend_method'. Use 'Composite' instead.

Re-enable the 'alpha brighten' and 'alpha darken' blend methods.

Fix the 'straight', 'straight onto' and 'alpha brighten' blend methods. Even completely transparent pixels in the top layer should affect the result of these blends. Existing .sif files which relied on the previously broken behavior should still render correctly for the most part.


Fix a crash that was happening if we had 2 exported canvases in a .sif file where the 2nd contained a pastecanvas that used the 1st as its canvas. The canvases are destructed in the order in which they appear in the .sif file, so by the time the 2nd is destroyed, the pastecanvas it contains no longer has a valid canvas parameter. The fix is to clear the canvas parameter of any pastecanvases using a canvas when the canvas itself is destroyed.

Encapsulations containing imported images fail to clone properly (1838132)


Refer the user to a compatibility page if we try to load a .sif file that uses a not-yet-implemented ValueNode type, or that tries using a ValueNode with a type which it doesn't yet support.

Changed the .sif file format. 'Composite' and 'Radial Composite' ValueNodes used to be saved with obscure XML element names <c1>, <c2>, etc. Now we use more readable names <point>, <width>, etc. The old version is still accepted, and can still be written by selecting the old version from the "Save As..." dialog. The new format will not be accepted by previous releases of Synfig.

New Feature: Allow saving .sif files in formats that can be read by versions 0.61.07 and older.

Add information about which valuenode types were added in which release. Don't save new types in old format files.

Prevent a crash when loading a .sif file with 'use=""' in it.

Prevent studio crashing when loading a document that contains an unknown valuenode type from a newer version of synfig. Simply refuse to load the document instead. (1811250)

When doing a 'Save As', default to saving in the same directory that the file was loaded from, if any.

Remember separate default directories for opening and writing each of animations, images, sketches, rendered output, and "miscellaneous".


Added the option to run everything in the same thread. It doesn't work very well, and seems to cause more problems than it solves.

Default 'end time' for new canvases to 5s instead of 0. That's one less thing a new user then needs to edit to start making his first animation. Also, don't show the intimidating canvas properties dialog when a new composition is created, just use the defaults. Set environment variable "SYNFIG_ENABLE_NEW_CANVAS_EDIT_PROPERTIES" to revert this change locally.

If no documents are specified to be loaded on the command line at start-up, create a new empty document so the novice user can get started straight away. If environment variable SYNFIG_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_DOCUMENT_CREATION is set, don't create a blank document on startup, even if no documents were specified on the command line. I'll add proper configuration items within the gui for this and other recent changes soon.

Add a setting in the gui for the auto-backup interval.

Fix a crash on Windows when recovering an auto-saved file which had never been saved.

Add a new time format: frames only, which shows times as just the number of frames, rather than breaking it into minutes, seconds, and frames.


When linking simple values, use the value from the topmost layer.

Attempting to link a duck from the Children panel with other ducks was causing an error. Now it isn't.


Change the default quality to 8. It makes shade layers render better without much impact on speed.

Label the preview qualities "best" and "fastest" because it's not clear that higher numbers mean lower qualities.


Fix ugly waypoint drawing by rounding to integer values symmetrically. The improvement can be seen here:


Improve the waypoint context menus. Now it's possible to delete and duplicate complete trees of waypoints at once. The 'change interp' functionality has been extended too, so now it's possible to set the interpolation type for the whole waypoint, or for just the 'in' or just the 'out' interpolation, without having to aim the right-click at a particular half of the waypoint. Improved the keyboard shortcuts on the waypoint context menus; to set the 'In' interpolation to Constant, type "IC", and so on.

Fix a crash when editing a waypoint with a non-static value.

Attach the "(Non-static value)" label into the waypoint dialog.

Experimental: "export SYNFIG_SHOW_CANVAS_PARAM_WAYPOINTS=1" to see canvas parameter waypoints, not canvas content waypoints in PasteCanvas layers. Doesn't work too well - dragging the waypoints doesn't work, for instance.

When a PasteCanvas' "time offset" parameter shifts the timing of its sub-canvas, the waypoints of that subcanvas are now displayed shifted accordingly.


Allow manual editing of the current time in the workarea window.

Don't expand time fields to their full format (eg. "1s" -> "0h 0m 1s 0f") when they get keyboard focus. export SYNFIG_SHOW_FULL_TIME_ON_FOCUS=1 will restore the old behaviour.

Make sure the time entry box shows the correct time - rounded to an integer number of frames.

Improve the range of different scales used on the timeslider. Previously 3 fps animations were having the timeslider labelled "0.75f, 1.5f, ..." rather than "1f, 2f, ...".

Subdivide the space between labels on the timeslider sensibly. Don't divide a 5 second gap into 4 parts of 1.25 seconds each, for instance.

Set minimum and maximum zoom levels for the timescroller.

Allow the use of horizontal scrolling to adjust the current time in timeslider widgets.

Improve the algorithm for determining the number of tick marks to put between pairs of labels in the timeslider widgets. It's better to divide 5 minutes into 5 tics of 1 minute each than 6 ticks of 50 seconds each, for example.

Added a new icon for values of type "Time", thanks to genete.


Rename "Dialogs" to "Panels" for the dockable windows.

My panels were drifting one or two pixels each time I started studio. This seems to be window-manager dependent. I've added environment variables to allow adjusting the drift to stop it. SYNFIG_WINDOW_POSITION_X_OFFSET and SYNFIG_WINDOW_POSITION_Y_OFFSET. Setting them both to 1 stops the drift for me in xfwm4.

Remember the position and size of the color and gradient dialogs even if they're not displayed when studio exits.

Applied patch from IL'dar AKHmetgaleev aka AkhIL to allow different pixel sizes in the workarea window. control-'(' and control-')' make the pixels bigger and smller.

If the window positions and sizes seem to be corrupted, give them sensible values to prevent them being created offscreen. (1836848)

Console Window

Show a very simple message in the console on start-up so as not to scare people when they see an empty terminal window 'doing nothing'.

Show a similar message in the console on start-up if Studio is already running, to let the user know what is happening.

Toolbox Window

Allow adjustment of the default brush size using horizontal scrolling over the preview graphic.

With the re-enabling of 'Alpha Brighten', the toolbox has become a little wider. Some foreign translations of the blend method could also push it wider. And since we have 15 tool icons by default, I've made the toolbox 5 icons wide instead of 4, and rearranged them slightly. The top row is now all for "moving ducks", the middle row for "drawing stuff", and the bottom row is more drawing on the left and looking at stuff (eyedrop, zoom) on the right.

Fix the "File > Save all" menu entry.

Workarea Window

Added environment variable SYNFIG_DISABLE_TILE_RENDER which when set will prevent the tile renderer from being used.

If environment variable "SYNFIG_SHOW_TILE_OUTLINES" is defined, draw red outlines around tiles as they are rendered. For debugging purposes.

Indicate that a canvas is unsaved by putting a '*' in front of its name.

The popup caret menu was disabled for some tools. New environment variable SYNFIG_ENABLE_POPUP_MENU_IN_ALL_TOOLS re-enables the popup menu when set. Should this be the default? Comments please to the bug report. (1829182)

Fix a crash that sometimes happened when closing a document. (1850637)

Studio occasionally renders the tiles in the wrong places. This was happening when the canvas was one pixel greater than an integer number of tiles wide, and low-resolution rendering (the default) was enabled. (1824437)

Don't hide and reshow the workarea window when the user clicks the 'X' button to close it. (1682008)

Add checkboxes to the toggleable entries in the view menu.

Add 'new', 'open' and 'quit' to the caret>file menu.

Change the default 'toggle onion skin' keyboard shortcut from control-o (which is the stock binding for 'open') to alt-o.

Keep the 'show grid' and 'snap to grid' checkboxes in the caret menu up to date. (1896834)

Preview Window

Fix crash closing preview window before using it. (1835429)

Canvas Properties Dialog

New environment variable: 'SYNFIG_DISABLE_NEW_CANVAS_EDIT_PROPERTIES'. When set, don't pop up the canvas properties dialog when creating a new document.

Fix a problem with the canvas properties dialog. It wasn't possible to edit both the 'name' and the renddesc parameters at the same time before.

By default, set "use current frame" in the render dialog to off. When "use current frame" is on, disable the Time tab's frame.

Disable the 'Time' tab when "use current frame" is checked.

Don't allow the user to set the 'ID' of exported canvases to be empty.

Color Editor Dialog

Make the spinbuttons wider so it's possible to read bigger numbers. Allow a decimal place in the spinbuttons. Previously only integer values were allowed.

Layers Panel

Allow the layer panel to be sorted by layer name. Resize the layer name column to fit the layer names. Rename the "Layer" column to "Name". Add buttons for 'encapsulate' and 'show all child layers'.

Groups Panel

Allow layers to be removed from groups without the user having to type the name of the group they are in.

Params Panel

Added a 'Type' column to the parameter dialog so it's possible to tell an 'Add' from a 'Subtract' convert for example.

Added a column showing the waypoints for each parameter. export SYNFIG_DISABLE_PARAMS_PANEL_TIMETRACK=1 to disable this.

Keyframes Panel

Add a tooltip for the 'keyframe properties' icon. (1895689)

Children Panel

Renaming exported ValueNodes no longer causes a crash. (1823053)

Added a column showing the waypoints for each ValueNode.

History Panel

The entries that appear in the History panel are now more explicit; they mostly now give details of the operation rather than just a generic fixed string, making it easier to navigate through the history. For example "Remove Layer 'left leg'" will show up rather than just "Remove Layer".

Scroll the history panel as actions are added to keep the current action in the centre of the display.

When the user types in the History dialog, search for any text in the 'name' column that matches the text. Previously it was only searching for names matching at the beginning.

Add a new icon to delete all 'undo' and 'redo' history together.

About Dialog

Implement a new about dialog based on the standard Gtk+ dialog. (1678554, 1741220)

Show the correct SVN revision id in the about dialog. (1797745)

Splash Screen

Remove the build information and use a new image by Rore


Sketch Tool

Prevent load/save failures in Spanish and other locales. (1830670)

BLine Tool

Allow the bline tool to draw plants as well as outlines, regions, and curvegradients.

When the bline tool is creating new layers, arrange the new layers in the order: Outline - Region - Plant - Gradient, so that each layer is at least somewhat visible. Rename the "*layer_bline*" variables to "*layer_outline*" since they represent outlines specifically.

Always show the first point in the bline being drawn in green. Previously this happened only some of the time.

Only show bline vertices large when the mouse is really hovering over them. (1891491)

Draw Tool

Fixed the 'fill last stroke' button in the drawing tool.

Rearrange the drawing tool options a little. Instead of 'region only' have checkboxes for 'region' and 'fill', like in the bline tool, so now it's possible to draw regions and outlines together.

When drawing an outline and a region at the same time, put the outline just on top of the region. (1829172)

Always leave only the newly created layers selected. (1830245)


Always draw 'real' ducks on the right hand side of the circle they define. Previously, canvases with a negative horizontal pixel width were drawing it on the left.

Add an option to restrict 'radius' ducks to the top right corner of the plane. This allows us to easily set their value to zero by dragging down and left. Thanks to Zelgadis on IRC for the suggestion. See "Toolbox > File > Setup Dialog > Misc > Restrict Real-Valued Ducks...".

Show the size of circles as they are drawn using the draw tool.

Give slight priority to radius ducks. That way, it's possible to select the radius duck for a circle with radius zero. Previously the position duck would usually be selected instead.

Have neither Control-A nor dragging a box around ducks select non-editable ducks, and have clicking individual ducks select them. (1891410)


Save the position and size of each open canvas window for each of the 'recent' files. When opening one of the recent files, re-open the canvases that were previously opened, with their previous positions and sizes.

Don't render feathering of circles or shapes (ie. outlines, regions, stars, polygons, etc), or motion blur, blur, or radial blur layers when the quality is 10.

New feature: allow importing of lipsynced voice animations from Papagayo. (1879688)

Inserting a new item into a list in animation mode caused unpredicatable renders before the time of insertion. (1841280)

The hex color code parser is much more forgiving now. Previously spaces before or after the color code would cause it to fail.

Don't treat the required values of command line flags as flags themselves. (1695735)

Initialise the 'time_last_changed' when creating a Node. Previously it was being left at a random value.

New feature: Angles are not wrapped modulo 360 degrees. It's possible to animate from 0 to 361 degrees and see a full rotation, rather than seeing it shortcutting as it was previously. It's also now possible to drag angle ducks around their origin multiple times and have the rotations count. (1827966)

Exported canvases weren't being deleted on shutdown, due to a handle never being released. (1868911)

Cloning inline canvases with different resolutions than the root canvas wasn't cloning the resolution information. (1891403)

Inserting a vertex in the closing link of a looped bline while still in the bline tool was putting the new vertex in the wrong place. (1891391)

Converting the first vertex of a looped bline was causing a crash. (1894998)

Allow a subcanvas to be used multiple times at different time offsets. (1896557)

Convert path to profile directory from UTF8 before trying to use it. (1837445)

Languages Language: 
