Warning! This page contains outdated information. The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text. You can help updating this page - see instructions here. Thank you! |
Ghidajele (liniile de ghidare) sunt linii orizontale sau verticale pe care le puteti adauga la spatiile de lucru pentru a va ajuta sa pozitionati exact elementele. Ghidajele pot fi plasate oriunde in spatiul de lucru - chiar si in afara zonei de lucru. Ghidajele nu apar in animatia terminata, dar vor fi salvate odata cu documentele. Fiecare spatiu de lucru are propriul set de ghidaje.
Daca am presupune ca ghidajele sunt de metal, marcatorii actioneaza ca magnetii in jurul ghidajelor, "sarind" la ghidaje atunci cand sunt destul de apropiati de acestea. Deci, folosind ghidajele, este suficient sa va asigurati ca marcatorii se afla la locul potrivit.
Toti marcatorii (de pozitie, de noduri, tangenti, de raza, latime, unghi) "sunt atrasi" de ghidaje. Astfel puteti folosi ghidajele pentru a pozitiona cu precizie orice element din Synfig Studio.
Ghidajele arata ca in figura de mai jos in fereastra spatiului de lucru:
Dupa cum se vede mai sus, ghidajele apar ca linii intrerupte albastre in zona de lucru din fereastra spatiului de lucru. La pozitionarea unui ghidaj in spatiul de lucru, acesta este afisat cu linie intrerupta de culoare rosie.
Adaugarea ghidajelor la spatiile de lucru
Exista trei metode de adaugare a ghidajelor la spatiile de lucru. Se pot trage din riglele ferestrei spatiului de lucru, se poate da click pe riglele ferestrei spatiului de lucru sau se pot adauga folosind caseta Canvas MetaData.
Tragerea din riglele ferestrei spatiului de lucru
Se poate adauga o linie de ghidare orizontala prin mutarea mouse-ului peste rigla orizontala care se afla in partea de sus a ferestrei spatiului de lucru, apasand butonul stang al mouse-ului si tragand mouse-ul in jos (in zona spatiului de lucru). In dreptul cursorului va fi afisata o linie intrerupta rosie. Dupa ce ati ales pozitia liniei de ghidare si ati eliberat butonul mouse-ului, linia intrerupta isi va schimba culoarea in albastru.
Puteti adauga linii de ghidare verticale mutand cursorul de mouse peste rigla verticala din stanga ferestrei spatiului de lucru, apasand butonul stanga mouse si tragand mouse-ul la dreapta (in zona spatiului de lucru). In dreptul cursorului va fi afisata o linie intrerupta rosie. Dupa ce ati ales pozitia liniei de ghidare si ati eliberat butonul mouse-ului, linia intrerupta isi va schimba culoarea in albastru.
Click pe Riglele din fereastra spatiului de lucru
La click pe rigla orizontala din partea de sus a spatiului de lucru, la centrul spatiului de lucru va fi adaugata o linie de ghidare orizontala. La click pe rigla verticala din partea de sus a spatiului de lucru, la centrul spatiului de lucru va fi adaugata o linie de ghidare verticala.
In Synfig Studio mai multe linii de ghidare pot avea aceeasi pozitie, deci cu click repetat pe o rigla se vor suprapune mai multe linii de ghidare.
Puteti folosi butoanele de mouse stanga, dreapta sau mijloc pentru a da click pe rigla.
Folosirea casetei Canvas MetaData
Utilizatorii avansati pot adauga linii de ghidare folosind caseta Canvas MetaData, care pastreaza informatiile in sistemul de masura intern al Synfig, nu in pixeli, points, etc.
Pentru a va arata cum functioneaza, vom deschide un fisier nou si vom adauga o linie de ghidare verticala la centrul spatiului de lucru.
- Selectati "File → New" sau apasati combinatia de taste CtrlN pentru a deschide un fisier nou.
- Selectati caseta Canvas MetaData din fereastra Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData.
- Cu click pe pictograma "Add new MetaData entry" (cea care arata cu aceasta -
) din partea de jos a casetei. Va fi afisata o fereastra de dialog "New MetaData Entry".
- Tastati "guide_x" si dati click pe "OK" sau apasati ↵ Enter.
- Dati dublu click pe coloana Data de langa cheia "guide_x" din caseta Canvas MetaData. Aici puteti introduce o valoare.
- Tastati "0" si apasati ↵ Enter. Va apare o noua linie de ghidare verticala la centrul spatiului de lucru.
Cheia "guide_x" din Meta Data Panel pastreaza valorile pentru liniile de ghidare verticale din spatiul curent de lucru, intr-o lista separata de spatii.
Cheia "guide_y" din Meta Data Panel pastreaza toate liniile de ghidare orizontale din spatiul de lucru curent, intr-o lista de numere separate de spatii.
Pozitionarea precisa a liniilor de ghidare
Scopul liniilor de ghidare este de a permite sa pozitionati elementele in pozitii exacte, deci posibilitatea de a pozitiona precis liniile de ghidare este foarte importanta. Exista doua metode de pozitionare a liniilor de ghidare folosind Synfig Studio. Puteti vedea valorile din caseta Info Panel in timp ce trageti liniile de ghidare cu mouse-ul, sau puteti folosi caseta Canvas MetaData pentru a tasta direct valorile pentru pozitiile liniilor de ghidare.
Folosirea casetei Info
Atunci cand deschideti sau creati un fisier nou, puteti pozitiona liniile de ghidare la precizie de pixel (daca ati ales ca unitate de masura pixelii) uitandu-va la caseta Info Panel in timp ce deplasati linia. Insa dupa ce ati folosit instrumentul lupa (marire/micsorare a spatiului de lucru), nu mai puteti deplasa linia de ghidare si se pot vedea afisate doar fractiuni de pixel in caseta Info Panel. Exista mai multe metode de a remedia acest neajuns:
- Click pe butonul "Zoom to Fit", apoi click pe butonul "Zoom to 100%" din stanga barei de derulare orizontale din fereastra spatiului de lucru.
- Salvati fisierul, inchideti-l si redeschideti-l, dupa care veti vedea ca puteti pozitiona din nou liniile de ghidare – pana cand veti folosi iar instrumentul lupa in spatiul de lucru.
Truc Caseta Info Panel nu este actualizata atunci cand adaugati linii de ghidare in spatiul de lucru, dar este actualizata la repozitionarea acestora. Va sugeram sa pozitionati noile linii de ghidare mai intai intr-o pozitie intermediara, apoi sa le repozitionati cu ajutorul casetei Info Panel pentru a le aseza exact in pozitia dorita.
Folosirea casetei Canvas MetaData
Utilizaatorii avansati pot introduce direct pozitia liniilor de ghidare, folosind caseta Canvas MetaData. Metoda este mai rapida si pozitioneaza mai precis liniile de ghidare - chiar si la fractiuni de pixel.
Pentru a va arata cum se poate realiza acest lucru, vom deschide un fisier nou si vom adauga o linie de ghidare orizontala la 0.5 deasupra centrului spatiului de lucru. Pentru ca sa functioneze acest exemplu, va trebui sa pastrati valorile implicite de setare.
- Selectati "File → New" sau apasati CtrlN pentru a deschide un fisier nou.
- Selectati caseta Meta Data Panel din fereastra Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData.
- Dati click pe pictograma "Add new MetaData entry" (cea care arata ca aceasta
) din partea de jos a casetei. Va fi afisata o fereastra de dialog "New MetaData Entry".
- Tastati "guide_y" si dati click "OK" sau apasati tasta ↵ Enter.
- Dati dublu click pe coloana Data de langa cheia "guide_y" din caseta Canvas MetaData. Aici puteti introduce o valoare.
- Tastati "0.0083335" si apasati tasta ↵ Enter. Va apare o linie de ghidare orizontala la 0.5 pixeli deasupra centrului spatiului de lucru.
Removing guides from your canvases
There are two ways to permanently remove guides from your canvases. You can drag them back onto the canvas window rulers or you can remove them using the Canvas MetaData Panel.
If you only want to remove guides temporarily, you should hide them instead of removing them (see below).
Note Unlike in many other programs, you cannot remove guides in Synfig Studio by dragging them off of the canvas window to the right or to the bottom. You must drag guides off of the canvas window to the top or to the left (towards the rulers) to remove them.
Dragging to the Canvas Window Rulers
In Synfig Studio, removing guides is done in the opposite way to adding them. You use the mouse to drag guides from the canvas back onto the canvas window rulers. You remove vertical guides by dragging them onto the vertical ruler at the left of the canvas window. You remove horizontal guides by dragging them onto the horizontal ruler at the top of the canvas window. If you have removed a guide successfully, the canvas window status bar will inform you "Erase canvas metadata Successful".
Using the Canvas MetaData Panel
Advanced users will sometimes want to remove guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel. For instance, if you have a lot of guides on your canvas this is the fastest method of permanently removing them all.
For instance, to remove all horizontal guides from a canvas using the Canvas MetaData Panel you would:
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Select the row with the "guide_y" Key.
- Click on the "Remove selected MetaData entry" icon (it looks like this
To remove a particular guide from the canvas using the Canvas MetaData Panel you would:
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Double click on the Data column in the row for the "guide_x" or "guide_y" Key.
- Select and delete the required value.
- Press ↵ Enter.
Note There must be at least one value remaining in your Data column after your edit for this to work, otherwise you will get a "Edit canvas metadata: Action is not ready." error dialog and your edit will not be successful.
Showing or hiding guides
Sometimes, particularly if you are using a lot of guides, you'll want to hide them all so you can see your artwork more clearly. There are two ways to show or hide all the guides on the current canvas in Synfig Studio. You can use the Canvas Window "View" menu or you can use the Canvas MetaData Panel.
Note If snapping to guides is enabled, it will still work even if the guides are hidden.
Go to menu in the Canvas Window (use the Canvas Menu Caret button in the upper left corner) and select "View → Show Guides".
Using the Canvas MetaData Panel
If you already have at least one guide on your canvas, you can show or hide guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel.
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_show" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
- Type "0" to hide guides or "1" to show guides and press ↵ Enter.
The "guide_show" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores whether guides are visible or not. It stores "0" if guides are hidden or "1" if guides are visible.
Note As well as "0" or "1", you can also enter "true" or "false" (without quotes) to enable or disable boolean values in the Canvas MetaData Panel.
Guides do not do anything until snapping to guides is enabled. There are two ways to enable snapping to guides. The first is using the Canvas Window "View" menu. The second is using the Canvas MetaData Panel.
Once snapping is enabled, when you move a duck close to a guide it will "snap" onto it, in much the same way as a magnet will snap onto a piece of metal. Once a duck has snapped to a guide you will find it takes a stronger than normal movement to detach it from the guide, again as if you were pulling a magnet off of something metallic.
Having ducks snapping to guides is usually very useful, but sometimes it can be very annoying! Fortunately you can easily turn snapping to guides off.
Note |
Go to menu in the Canvas Window (use the Canvas Menu Caret button in the upper left corner) and select "View → Snap to Guides".
Using the Canvas MetaData Panel
If you already have at least one guide on your canvas, you can enable or disable snapping to guides using the Canvas MetaData Panel.
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_snap" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
- Type "1" to enable snapping to guides or "0" to disable snapping to guides and press ↵ Enter.
The "guide_snap" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores whether snapping to guides is enabled or not. It stores "0" if snapping to guides is disabled or "1" if snapping to guides is enabled.
Copying Guides from one canvas to another
When you export an encapsulated "Inline canvas" layer you'll find the exported canvas has no guides – but sometimes you would like it to have the same guides as its parent canvas. Or you may want to use the guides you added to a canvas in another file. You can solve this kind of problem easily using the Canvas MetaData Panel.
As an example, here's how you would copy vertical guides to another canvas that has no guides:
- Open the canvas window of the canvas that has the guides you want to copy.
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Select the "guide_x" row.
- Click on the Data column next to the "guide_x" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel.
- Press CtrlC or right-click on the highlighted numbers and select "Copy".
- Open the canvas window of the canvas you want to copy the guides into.
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Click the "Add new MetaData entry" icon (the one that looks like this
) at the bottom of the panel. A "New MetaData Entry" dialog box will appear.
- Type "guide_x" and click "OK" or press ↵ Enter.
- Double click on the Data column next to the "guide_x" Key in the Canvas MetaData Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
- Press CtrlV or right-click on the highlighted area and select "Paste"
- Press ↵ Enter.
To copy the horizontal guides you would perform the procedure above for the "guide_y" Key instead of the "guide_x" Key.
Note You must ensure the Data column for the "guide_x" or "guide_y" rows is selected before you try and copy or paste guide values in the Canvas MetaData Panel. If you don't, you may find you are copying or pasting layers instead of guide values.