(Created page with "<!-- Page info --> {{Navigation|Category:Manual|Linking}} {{Title|Grid}} {{Category|Canvas Window}} {{Category|Glossary}} Category:Manual <!-- Page info end --> ==Introducer...") |
(→Folosirea casetei Canvas MetaData) |
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===Folosirea casetei Canvas MetaData=== | ===Folosirea casetei Canvas MetaData=== | ||
− | + | Desi nu exista niciun avantaj la folosirea acestei metode, puteti afisa/ascunde grila folosind {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel|caseta Canvas MetaData}}. | |
− | + | Caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}} este la inceput goala, iar pentru a afisa sau ascunde grila dintr-un spatiu de lucru care nu are "canvas metadata", va trebui sa: | |
− | # | + | # Selectati caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}} din fereastra Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData. |
− | # | + | # Dati click in caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}} pe pictograma {{Literal|Add New MetaData entry}} (cea care arata astfel: [[File:Add_new_metadata_entry.png]]) |
− | # | + | # Tastati {{Literal|grid_show}} si apasati {{Shortcut|enter}}. |
− | # | + | # Dati dublu click pe coloana Data care se afla langa cheia {{Literal|grid_show}} din caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}}. Aici puteti introduce o valoare. |
− | # | + | # Tastati {{Literal|0}} pentru a ascunde grila sau {{Literal|1}} pentru a o afisa, apoi apasati tasta {{Shortcut|enter}}. |
− | + | Pentru a afisa/ascunde grila intr-un spatiu de lucru care are deja canvas metadata va trebui sa: | |
− | # | + | # Selectati caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}} din fereastra Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData. |
− | # | + | # Dati dublu click pe coloana Data, langa cheia {{Literal|grid_show}} din caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}}. Aici puteti introduce o valoare. |
− | # | + | # Tastati {{Literal|0}} pentru a ascunde grila sau {{Literal|1}} pentru a o afisa, apoi apasati tasta {{Shortcut|enter}}. |
− | + | Cheia de control {{Literal|guide_show}} din caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel}} pastreaza valoarea pentru afisarea/ascunderea grilei. Valoarea {{Literal|0}} ascunde grila, iar valoarea {{Literal|1}} va face grila vizibila. | |
− | {{Note| | + | {{Note|Nota|In locul valorilor {{Literal|0}} sau {{Literal|1}}, puteti introduce {{Literal|true}} sau {{Literal|false}} (fara ghilimele) pentru a activa/dezactiva valorile booleene din caseta {{l|Canvas MetaData Panel|Canvas MetaData}}.}} |
==Enabling and disabling snapping to a grid== | ==Enabling and disabling snapping to a grid== |
Revision as of 10:30, 17 April 2012
Warning! This page contains outdated information. The release of Synfig Studio 0.64.0 introduced new terminology and this translated page needs to be updated according to original English text. You can help updating this page - see instructions here. Thank you! |
Puteti adauga linii de grila orizontale si verticale la spatiile de lucru pentru a pozitiona elementele cu precizie. Liniile grilei nu apar in animatia finala, dar pot fi salvate odata cu documentele. Fiecare spatiu de lucru are propria grila. Spatierea liniilor orizontale si verticale din grila poate fi modificata independent, deci puteti avea grile dreptunghiulare sau patrate.
Puteti considera ca liniile de grila sunt facute din metal, si ca marcatorii actioneaza ca magnetii asupra liniilor de grila, sarind la acestea atunci cand sunt suficient de aproape de ele. Acest lucru inseamna ca, folosind liniile de grila, este usor sa va asigurati ca marcatorii se afla in anumite locuri.
Marcatorii de pozitie, de noduri, tangentiali, de raza, de latime si de unghi pot sari la liniile de grila. Astfel se pot folosi liniile de grila pentru a pozitiona cu precizie orice element in Synfig Studio.
O grila este afisata astfel intr-o fereastra a spatiului de lucru:
Dupa cum se vede mai sus, grila este afisata cu linii intrerupte gri, care se intind de-a lungul zonei de lucru din fereastra spatiului de lucru.
Afisarea si ascunderea grilei
Exista patru metode de afisare sau ascundere a grilei din fereastra spatiului de lucru. Daca folositi un buton din bara de instrumente a ferestrei spatiului de lucru, puteti folosi meniu Canvas View sau caseta de dialog Options dialog din meniul Canvas File sau caseta Canvas MetaData.
Folosirea butonului din bara de instrumente Canvas Window
Exista un buton de afisare/ascundere a grilei, care se afla pe bara de instrumente din fereastra spatiului de lucru.
- Atunci cand butonul este afisat astfel:
, grila este ascunsa. Daca dati click pe buton, grila va fi afisata.
Folosirea meniului View din spatiul de lucru
Puteti deschide meniul din spatiul de lucru cu click pe butonul Canvas Menu Caret si alege "View → Show Grid" pentru a ascunde sau afisa grila.
Folosirea casetei de dialog pentru optiuni
Puteti deschide meniul spatiului de lucru folosind butonul Canvas Menu Caret si apoi folosind "File → Options" pentru a afisa caseta de dialog Options.
Puteti bifa/debifa casuta "Show Grid" pentru a afisa/ascunde grila, apoi dati click pe "OK" sau pe butonul "Apply".
Folosirea casetei Canvas MetaData
Desi nu exista niciun avantaj la folosirea acestei metode, puteti afisa/ascunde grila folosind caseta Canvas MetaData.
Caseta Meta Data Panel este la inceput goala, iar pentru a afisa sau ascunde grila dintr-un spatiu de lucru care nu are "canvas metadata", va trebui sa:
- Selectati caseta Meta Data Panel din fereastra Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData.
- Dati click in caseta Meta Data Panel pe pictograma "Add New MetaData entry" (cea care arata astfel:
- Tastati "grid_show" si apasati ↵ Enter.
- Dati dublu click pe coloana Data care se afla langa cheia "grid_show" din caseta Meta Data Panel. Aici puteti introduce o valoare.
- Tastati "0" pentru a ascunde grila sau "1" pentru a o afisa, apoi apasati tasta ↵ Enter.
Pentru a afisa/ascunde grila intr-un spatiu de lucru care are deja canvas metadata va trebui sa:
- Selectati caseta Meta Data Panel din fereastra Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData.
- Dati dublu click pe coloana Data, langa cheia "grid_show" din caseta Meta Data Panel. Aici puteti introduce o valoare.
- Tastati "0" pentru a ascunde grila sau "1" pentru a o afisa, apoi apasati tasta ↵ Enter.
Cheia de control "guide_show" din caseta Meta Data Panel pastreaza valoarea pentru afisarea/ascunderea grilei. Valoarea "0" ascunde grila, iar valoarea "1" va face grila vizibila.
Nota In locul valorilor "0" sau "1", puteti introduce "true" sau "false" (fara ghilimele) pentru a activa/dezactiva valorile booleene din caseta Canvas MetaData.
Enabling and disabling snapping to a grid
The grid does not do anything until snapping to the grid is enabled. Once snapping is enabled, when you move a duck close to a grid line it will "snap" onto it, in much the same way as a magnet will snap onto a piece of metal. Once a duck has snapped to a grid line you will find it takes a stronger than normal movement to detach it from the grid line, again as if you were pulling a magnet off of something metallic.
Having ducks snapping to grid lines is usually very useful, but sometimes it can be very annoying! Fortunately you can easily turn snapping to the grid off.
There are four ways to enable or disable snapping to the grid in your canvas window. You can use a button on the canvas window toolbar, you can use the Canvas View Menu, you can use the Options dialog box that you'll find on the Canvas File Menu or you can use the Canvas MetaData Panel.
Note If snapping to the grid is enabled, it will still work even if the grid is hidden.
Using the Canvas Window Toolbar button
There is a enable/disable snapping to the grid button on the canvas window toolbar.
- When the button looks like this
snapping to the grid is disabled. If you press it snapping to the grid will be enabled.
- When the button looks like this
snapping to the grid is enabled. If you press it snapping to the grid will be disabled.
You can open the Canvas Menu using the Canvas Menu Caret button and then use "View → Snap to Grid" to enable or disable snapping to the grid.
Using the Options dialog box
You can open the Canvas Menu using the Canvas Menu Caret button and then use "File → Options" to display the Options dialog box.
You can use the "Snap to grid" checkbox to enable or disable snapping the grid, and then press the "OK" or "Apply" button.
Using the Canvas MetaData panel
Although there is no real advantage in using this method, you can enable or disable snapping to the grid using the Canvas MetaData Panel.
The Meta Data Panel starts off empty, so to enable or disable snapping to the grid on a canvas without canvas metadata you would have to:
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Press the Meta Data Panel "Add New MetaData entry" icon (the one that looks like this
- Type "grid_snap" and press ↵ Enter.
- Double click on the Data column next to the "grid_show" Key in the Meta Data Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
- Type "0" to disable snapping to the grid or "1" to enable snapping to the grid and press ↵ Enter.
To enable or disable snapping to the grid on a canvas that already has canvas metadata you would:
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Double click on the Data column next to the "grid_snap" Key in the Meta Data Panel. This will allow you to enter a value.
- Type "0" to hide the grid or "1" to show the grid and press ↵ Enter.
The "grid_snap" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores whether snapping to the grid is enabled or disabled. It stores "0" if snapping to the grid is disabled or "1" if snapping to the grid is enabled.
Changing the spacing of grid lines
The default grid in Synfig Studio has its grid lines spaced 15.0 pixels apart horizontally and 15.0 pixels apart vertically. This may not be a useful size for your work, but fortunately you can change the spacing.
You can change the spacing of the horizontal grid lines and vertical grid lines independently. This allows you to have rectangular rather than square grids.
You also hide the horizontal grid lines, which gives you a grill of vertical lines rather than a grid. You can do this by setting the vertical spacing to 0. However, you cannot hide the vertical grid lines.
There are two ways to adjust the spacing of grid lines in your canvas window. You can either use the Options dialog box that you'll find on the Canvas File Menu or you can use the Canvas MetaData Panel.
Note The origin of the grid is always set to the centre of the canvas.
Using the Options dialog box
You can open the Canvas Menu using the Canvas Menu Caret button and then use "File → Options" to display the Options dialog box.
You can change the spacing of vertical grid lines by typing a number into the "Grid size X:" box or you can use the arrows next to the "Grid size X:" value to increase or decrease the spacing.
You can change the spacing of horizontal grid lines by typing a number into the "Grid size Y:" box or you can use the arrows next to the "Grid size Y:" value to increase or decrease the spacing.
When you have finished adjusting the spacing of your grid lines you can click "Apply" or "OK".
Note If you enter a negative number for "Grid size X:" or "Grid size Y:" (or both) the grid will not be displayed when you click "Apply" or "OK". However snapping to the grid will still work if it is enabled.
Using the Canvas MetaData panel
You can adjust the spacing of the grid lines on the current canvas using the Canvas MetaData Panel. However, there is no real advantage in using the Meta Data Panel to do this instead of the Options dialog box. In fact, you might find this method more complicated as the Meta Data Panel stores its data in Synfig's internal units, not in pixels, points, etc.
To adjust the spacing of the grid on a canvas that already has a grid displayed you would:
- Select the Meta Data Panel in the Params, Children, Keyframes, Timetrack, Curves, Canvas MetaData window.
- Double click on the Data column next to the "grid_size" Key in the Meta Data Panel. This will allow you to enter values.
- Enter the spacing of the vertical grid lines in Synfig units.
- Add a space after the this number
- Enter the spacing of the horizontal grid lines in Synfig units.
- Press ↵ Enter.
The "grid_size" Key in the Meta Data Panel stores the grid spacing in Synfig's internal units as two floating point values separated by a space character. The first value stores the spacing of the vertical grid lines. The second value stores the spacing of the horizontal grid lines.